EF 101

Executive Function crush course

I built this cource because parents and teachers kept asking for something that would give them a good foundation in executive function. This is for adults.
Buy for 199$

03 Core Modules
45 Key Video Lessons
30-day money-back guarantee

What You’ll learn

Make your writing

more efficient with ai

Ways Al can streamline your writing process from idea generation to critical feedback



How to use Al to edit and refine your copy



Brainstorm applications of Al to improve writing tasks

What inside?

  1. Extensive video course with 45 key video lessons (see outline below).
  2. Downloadable and printable support PDFs to help you along the way.
  3. Homeworks to help you get more out of the course.
  4. 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Kaitlyn S
Seth, I’ve always said if I could just get inside my kid’s brain for one day… Your course let me “in.” I was in tears during several parts of your course. Thank you for all you do! You are truly appreciated. Parents need this as we navigate the journey of raising our most amazing 2e kiddos!

Hello from Seth! For years people have been asking me to create a course like this and here it is. Enjoy.

All You want me ask about the course

About the Author

Seth Perler , teacher, coach, Executive Function nerd, writes about kids, neudivergency blah blah blah. He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, EF Guid. The book has sold over 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 60 languages.

Click here to learn more >

Who is it for? Compassionate, involved and proactive parents, educators and other professionals interested in EF. If you’re looking for a coaching course designed FOR students, not adults, see UGYG, Upgrade Your Grades.

What will I learn?   EF101 will give you a fantastic little foundation in EF. It’s an excellent crash course. You will walk away feeling like you are in a MUCH better position to help students. You will feel confident in your understanding of EF and will feel much more solid about the decisions you are making about how to support students. See outline below or video above.

When can I take it?   Take EF101 any time you want. You do not have to wait for the beginning of a semester. It is self-paced.

How long will it take me? 
If you like to “binge-watch” lessons, you can go through it in a few days. If you take your time, it may take 2-3 weeks. You will need 5-10 hours to focus on the course, depending on how deep you go with the homeworks. I included a lesson that helps you pace yourself.

Can teachers get credits?   No, but I can send you a certificate of completion if you want one.

Who is it NOT for? 
This is not for people who are looking to learn my in-depth coaching methodologies. This will not teach you all of the systems and strategies I use with clients — that is outside of the scope of this course. It’s also not for people who want a sterile, passionless, dry, quick fix, shallow course created by a boring person.

How long do I have access to EF101?   Lifetime access. I have no intention of ending access ever, and you can download all of the lessons and keep them indefinitely.

How do I get started? 
To buy, click a purchase link from this page and enter your credit card info. It takes about a minute and you get access immediately. After you purchase, you will get an email to login. Next, start with the first lesson. I lead you the entire way through.

Is it worth it? 
Yes. You’ll walk away from it feeling empowered and enlightened about Executive Function. There is nothing like it that I know of, and I designed it carefully so it makes a big difference for you. If it doesn’t work for you, I will refund you.

Can I share it with people?   Yes with a spouse or family member. No with friends or colleagues, please. This is my livelihood, my passion, and my life’s work. I’ve spent over 2 decades developing my methodologies, countless hours behind the scenes building this course, putting together the crazy number of moving pieces, spent money on software, hardware, websites and numerous trainings to improve my ability to help families. Thank you for honoring my work.

Is there a guarantee? 
Yes, if it’s not right for you for any reason, I’ll refund you 100% within 30 days.

What if I legitimately can’t afford it?

I get it, email me and we’ll go from there.





Key video


30 day



EF101 Course Outline

MODULE 1: Start Here
45 min + time for homework
M1 Lesson 1 | Start Here: How EF101 works
  • Video 1: How EF101 works: A tour and tips for getting the most out of EF101.
  • Video 2: Background to help set the stage so you can get the most out of the course. This includes my philosophy and where I’m coming from ideologically.
  • Video 3: What you’ll learn in EF101.
  • Video 4: How to pace yourself through the course.
M1 Lesson 2 | My Story
  • Video 1: My Story – about my EF struggles, how I learned to work with them and how I started helping kids who struggle with EF.
MODULE 2: What is Executive Function?
1 hr 45 min+ time for homework
M2 Lesson 1 | What is Executive Function?
  • Video 1: The Basics of EF, how to have a bird’s eye view
  • Video 2: Why we don’t know about it?
  • Video 3: Two types of adults
  • Video 4: EF and the brain
  • Video 5: My Iceberg Theory, how to be aware of the influences beneath the surface
  • Video 6: Does a diagnosis matter? how to know when it does and doesn’t
M2 Lesson 2 | Students and EF Problems
  • Video 1: What is the purpose of education? The Latin root “Educare”
  • Video 2: Resistance and The Nervous System, Why students resist doing things that need to get done?
  • Video 3: Can’t vs. Won’t. Why are so many adults confused?
M2 Lesson 3 | Shame Game & Motivation Lie
  • Video 1: The Shame Game
  • Video 2: Aspect 1- Emotional Regulation & Dysregulation, how emotions impact EF
  • Video 3: Aspect 2- Working Memory, Forgetfulness, Missing Details
  • Video 4: Aspect 3- Inhibition & Impulsivity
  • Video 5: Aspect 4- Self Reflection, how metacognition helps
  • Video 6: Aspect 5- Processing Speed
  • Video 7: Aspect 6- Focus, Concentration, Attention vs. Distractibility
  • Video 8: Aspect 7- Organization
  • Video 9: Aspect 8- Time Management, Prioritization
  • Video 10: Aspect 9- Planning
  • Video 11: Aspect 10- Motivation
M2 Lesson 4 | Shame Game & Motivation Lie
  • Video 1: Blueprint for how to help students who struggle with Executive Function
MODULE 3: Parents
23 min+ time for homework
M3 Lesson 1 | What Parents Need To Know
  • Video 1: Keep Your Eye On The Prize, how to focus on the “right” prize
  • Video 2: How Much Do We Put On Kids’ Plates, how to know when it’s too much
  • Video 3: What Parents Say? how parents get stuck in the same old patterns that don’t work
  • Video 4: Advocacy, how to advocate for your child most effectively
  • Video 5: My Kid Never Listens To Me! how to know you’re not alone and how to improve the situation
MODULE 4: Teachers
17 min+ time for homework
M4 Lesson 1 | What Parents Need To Know
  • Video 1: Keep Your Eye On The Prize, how teachers can focus on the more important things
  • Video 2: Mistakes Teachers Make
  • Video 3: How to Help Kids Get Work In
  • Video 4: How to Differentiate Creatively
MODULE 5: EF Toolkit
30 min+ time for homework
M5 Lesson 1 | Tools for All Adults
  • Video 1: Tools for ALL Adults
  • Video 2: Your Own Deep Inner Work
  • Video 3: 3:1 rule, how to “motivate” students
  • Video 4: Wait Time, how to listen more effectively
  • Video 5: Holding Space, how to create secure relating
  • Video 6: Mirroring, how to attune
  • Video 7: SNO Concept, how to keep the momentum going
M5 Lesson 2 | The Most Important Thing
  • Video 1: The Most Important Thing. Ever. How to keep your focus on the most important thing you can do for any child you’re trying to help.

> Click to purchase <




dealing with your

TEFOS covered topics such as sensory processing, ADHD, study skills, reducing stress through self-regulation, dealing with your child’s inner critic, creating a growth mindset, how to deal with complicated or negative emotions related to learning, math and flexible thinking, the brain and how it relates to executive function.

Additionally, it focused on empowering your child to lead their own learning, innovations in biofeedback, eliminating physiological problems that might interfere with learning, and SO MUCH MORE!

Riah E., SLP and Parent of a 2e 6-year-old

This summit is amazing and so very helpful. As a parent, partner, and professional fully immersed in 2e issues, I learned so much from the speakers at TEFOS.


I was familiar with only 4 of these speakers prior to the conference, and loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring they all brought for our families.

All of these talks were so helpful and some were downright mind-blowing.

Melanie M., Mom of a 10-year-old gir

This summit is amazing and so very helpful. As a parent, partner, and professional fully immersed in 2e issues, I learned so much from the speakers at TEFOS.


I was familiar with only 4 of these speakers prior to the conference, and loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring they all brought for our families.

All of these talks were so helpful and some were downright mind-blowing.

Melanie M., Mom of a 10-year-old gir

This summit is amazing and so very helpful. As a parent, partner, and professional fully immersed in 2e issues, I learned so much from the speakers at TEFOS.


I was familiar with only 4 of these speakers prior to the conference, and loved the creativity, passion, competence, and caring they all brought for our families.

All of these talks were so helpful and some were downright mind-blowing.

Check other Courses

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interested in

  • Visit TEFOS, the Executive Function Summit, my annual event with 100+ experts
  • Check out my best free resources
  • Get ongoing live coaching with me joining EF Lab Community
  • Dig in Executive Function with my courses
  • Get Free Guide with 50 EF tips for beginners
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