Simple but not easy: If you want to make 2016 the best year yet, begin with
crystal clear intentions. There are many ways to do that, but I have outlined a solid strategy for you here.
The idea is that you will free yourself from those things which block you so you can have space for the things you value most. Feel free to modify these ideas any way you wish. Here we go…
Get Started
- Get a journal out. You can use anything you want, an old notebook, a fancy moleskin, your computer, etc..
- Set aside some time when you won’t be disturbed. An hour or two should do.
- Begin with 10 deep breaths to relax into the process.
- Write the date and time at the top of a page.
Now here are guiding questions for you to respond to. You don’t have to respond to all of them, just choose the ones that resonate. You can write in paragraph form, bullets, draw pictures, anything that feels right. The important thing is that you don’t rush the process, that you write as much as you need to for each one. Here we go…
2015 Reflections:
- What went well last year year in our family? What am I grateful for?
- What didn’t go so well? What can I learn from these things? What was holding me/the family back?
- List any unfinished business I have from last year that I want to resolve? How might I resolve each of these?
2016 Manifestations and Intentions:
- What are my goals for this year with the family? Personally? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually? Other?
- What 3 words do I want to focus on for the upcoming year? (Put these somewhere that you will see them every day)
- What do I need to let go of this year?
- What matters most to our family? How can we honor this more fully?
- What is the most challenging thing in my life/our family right now? What would be the most ideal way for me to handle this?
- What would make 2016 the best year yet for the family??? If it was 100% ideal, what would it look like, feel like, what would we say, do, be? Be as specific as possible.
- Write a letter to yourself that you will read one year form now. Discuss anything that is important to you.
Plan The Year
Now we are going to get some things into your calendar. Go to the first day of each month and write your most important goal or intention for each month. Keep these simple and clear.
Plan The Upcoming Month
Finally, for January, make a list of all the
specific things that need to happen in order to make your intentions for January a reality. The more
detail the better. You might print an post the list or you might put these action items into your calendar. Each month, repeat this planning process.
That’s it! I find that going through a process like this is remarkably powerful. It really sets things in motion. I hope this helps you gain clarity and have the best year yet!
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