FINALS? #1 tip to study SMARTER, not harder

Please CLICK above to share. Here’s a video for Middle School, High School and College students who have exams coming up. It’s 5 minutes long and I break down my favorite study strategy – and you might be surprised by how “easy” it is. Good luck with finals! — Seth
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Video transcript:

up Hey everybody. What’s up? This is Seth with Seth in this video is for middle school high school and college students Zone executive function coach out of Santa Monica, California. We’ve been having fires here in California last couple days, please send out Good Vibes to all these people because they needed a lot of people are really struggling with the effects of this fortunately where I’m at. We’re just dealing with smoke which is definitely affecting my voice. So, excuse me with that any I’m glad you’re here want to talk to you today about my number one study. Now, this is a study to buy give more or less to college students by default. But I also tell middle school and high school students to study tip a lot but it is the pretty much the best way to study. So what research shows is that the best way to learn something the number one, but will let me tell you the worst way to learn something the worst way to learn something is a lecture. And unfortunately, that’s what schools usually do. But the best way to learn something the number one best way to learn something is to teach it. So when I’m working with students, I’m teaching them how to study for finals. Cuz right now it’s December 7th. It’s time for final exams this year. They’re coming up and people tend to do one of the worst study methods ever riches to read your notes over and over and over which is really boring and which is really bad for helping you retain what you’re trying to learn. So my number one study tip is study groups. So before you get off this video, let me tell you I know a lot of you were going to be resistant when you’re going to excuses why you don’t want to do study groups or 1/2 study partners. Oh, my friends won’t like that old. I don’t have any friends in this class. That’s a lot of people say. Oh, yeah, they’re not good enough friends in that class. My friends aren’t good at this stuff. My friends wouldn’t want to do it Whatever Whatever It Is get over the excuse. You’re here for you. You’re here to learn as much as you can and get his good results as you can in school so that you can have a great future not so that you can get great grades not so that you can please your parents not so that you can get into a great college so that you have skills that have a great future. So now grades are a real thing. They’re necessary evil. So you want to do well on your exams and when you study if you study with other people you’re doing three things anytime you learn auditorily can aesthetically and Visually anytime you mix all three of these ways of learning anytime you learn visually by seeing auditorily by hearing and kinesthetically by movement. You will learn anything better. For example guitar. I can’t just read a book about guitar and know how to play guitar. I have to listen to guitar. I have to play kinesthetically with the guitar. I have to look at videos about the guitar instruction about the guitar. You want to mix all three types of learning when you study in a study group when you study with a study partner or as people who are testing you are you working with you do those things. You can aesthetically a lot of times there’s a lot of movement you might be using your hands to try to teach them things in while you’re teaching your friends thing, which is the best way to learn their teaching you things which is the best way to for them to learn your helping each other through the stuff. It’s not boring you can have food you can have fun. You can take your time. You can actually enjoy yourself you can joke around and it’s visual because you’re seeing each other but you’re also saying whatever materials you’re using bucks or videos or anything like that is definitely auditory cuz you’re communicating and speaking to each other. And it is the best way to study it is crazy how good this way is so now I teach people other ways, but I just really want to encourage you get out of your comfort zone call or text or email a couple friends arrange a study party set aside several hours. Not an hour or half-hour that’s nothing you want to set aside three or four or five hours for a study party have them bring food you all sit around you joke around you take your time and you dive into the material you test each other and you all try to help each other do well it is. My number one study tip because it works I get my college students to do it indefinitely middle school and high school kids are more resistant to this. But when I get my high school kids to do it there like holy cow. This was so good. I did so much better on my test was so much easier in that the point I want you to spend less effort doing things that are not fun more effort doing things that are going to get you more bang for the buck and go A lot out of it, and then we’re going to be fun and engaging her that are going to get you the results that you want. Any how do it don’t be resistant call some people today get it gone and good luck to you on your finals. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and post them in the comments below or you can feel free to email me. If you want. Go ahead and click the Subscribe in the Bell now on you’ll get my updates every time. I do a new YouTube post and you can subscribe on my website for free tips for students specifically outside-the-box thinker students that are not your typical thinkers students with interesting brains who struggle with school school is not your Forte sign up. I’ll give you stuff that will help make your life better and easier. Have a great day.