REWARD a child?

Please CLICK above to share. It’s the end of the school year and I hear a lot of talk about rewarding students for grades. This is an interesting issue and I have some thoughts for parents and teachers that might be helpful.
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Video transcript:

What’s up parents and teachers, this is Seth with I hope you’re doing awesome. It is the end of the school year and something that’s been on my mind is this is the time when you’re going to want to reward your students – and what often happens is that adults tend to reward the result, or “the outcome”. What I want to encourage you to do is be more process-oriented, and I really want you to notice the effort of the students. And the reason I say that is because those are the things that got them the results. You want to do this verbally, you want to do it in writing, you want to celebrate, you want to really look at these kids in the eye and tell them “I noticed what you did.” I noticed you did this with organization, did this with your planner, that you did this with effort. I am so proud of you for your effort because the effort is what’s going to get them the result, and you want to acknowledge that so that they can become more reflective of what got them that outcome or that result. The more aware, the more conscious, the more mindfulness that they have around, the more they will be able to consciously apply that in the future, and the more they’ll be able to be a resource to create those results for themselves. So again, while you can reward the outcome, and you can pay them for their grades, take them out to dinner, or whatever you do to celebrate. I’m not judging that but figure out what really does feel like a celebration. Make sure you’re very conscious of what you’re celebrating. Because what you celebrate, you’re going to hopefully really encourage continued behavior. An outcome isn’t a behavior. So you want to encourage the behavior that’s going to help them launch a fantastic future, not a mediocre future, and not an okay future. You want your child, and if you’re a teacher, you want your students to have an incredibly remarkable future. What’s going to get them that?: Being able to execute functions, being able to do the things that they need to do, and being able to overcome the resistance to doing things that they need to do. In doing that, it’s a process and it requires effort. So that’s what you want to reward and focus on. Anyhow, it is almost summer break. I hope you are all wonderful and that you have nice, relaxing, fun, and joyous and rejuvenating summer. All right guys take care. If you like what I’m doing, thumbs up it on YouTube and subscribe. Go ahead and share it with somebody right this minute. I always appreciate that.