Students, HOW to start this semester?

Please CLICK above to share. Video #1 is for STUDENTS: DOWNLOAD: Here’s the SethPerlerSchoolSystemsSelf-Assessment PDF to print
Video #2 is for PARENTS:
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Video #1 for Students transcript:

Let me Com. Happy spring semester. I hope you had a really great winter break. This video here is for you middle high school and college students. It is spring 2019 and it’s not really winner at spring semester and we’re starting a video for you to tell you something that’s going to make your life a lot easier the semester. So basically I would have done on this videos. I’m going to link in my blog below. I’m going to link a PDF that you can print up and went to print up a bunch of them. But basically what this is this is a little mini assessment self-assessment that you do. So you’re going to print it off and you’re going to look at and you can have your parents do it to actually wouldn’t be a bad idea to have your parents do it as well. But what is this going to do as it’s going to help you identify how you are doing and the key areas that are going to be helping you be quote successful in school. So I made it really easy to Really easy to comprehend but also really powerful. So what I want to do is print it up and it’s going to ask you a bunch of questions and it’s going to give you one through four. What do you rate yourself to rate yourself 1 is not going well for you. This is great. I don’t have to worry about it. But these are the specific areas you need to have in place in order to do well in school. Now, I know for some of you that are watching right now, you’re like all I don’t want to do one more thing. I got enough on my plate trust me. This will actually make your life easier and better you’ll have more freedom more free time and a couple ways. Here’s how it’ll make it better and easier one. It will give you Clarity Crystal Clear Clarity regarding the things that you are quote supposed to be doing. It’ll help you get exactly clear on. What system do you need? It’ll get you clear on how you’re doing with those in 3. It’ll help you reflect on how you changed on those when we are aware of something we tend to be better at working on that. I think so a lot of people aren’t even aware of the systems at all. So the fact that this is going to give you an awareness of where you’re at right now is just that awareness is going to help you can put on the fridge or on the wall if you want, but then if you come back to this in a month or six weeks or 8 weeks and you look at it and rescore yourself and you can see growth will help you be even more wear and more crystal clear about where you want to go. So those are some ways that this will help you and then what I do think you should do that. I think you should do it three or four times throughout the entire semester so that you can really look at these things and refine your systems refine your system. Now, if you are listening to me in your life man, Seth this does not feel good. I don’t even want to do this. What are you talkin about luck? I want your parents want the adults that care about you in your life want and you want to have a great future. I don’t want you to be average. I don’t want you to be mediocre. I want don’t want you to have a so, so if you try certainly don’t want you stop. Future. Want to be happy when you be able to accomplish your goals or you be able to go for your dreams want you to be able to possibilities choices freedom to do what you want to do. The irony is that in order for you to be free to have choices to have opportunities in order you for you to be able to live the life you want to live is that all you have in order to do what you want? You have to learn how to do things. You don’t want meaning like something’s are going to be homework things that you don’t want or writing that you don’t want to do resetting the you don’t want to do a project that you don’t want to do or reading that you don’t want to do any goal. You have a future in life, you’re going to have aspects of it that you don’t enjoy for example of my business there different parts of my business that I don’t like I love making videos. I love working with human being I don’t like doing a lot of backing website work and uploading the videos and details and stuff like that their part that I don’t like but I get to do what I want to do. So I have to do things. I don’t Niihau Point made I’m sure but this document that this PDF that you’re going to print off is going to help you get these certain skills that you need to do literally any school you want to be able to do so, I’ll go over this really briefly. I’m not going to go into the whole thing. But basically whatever goal you want to do in your future anything you want to do you are going to have to have some sense of decent organization. You are going to have to have some sense of good planning. You’re going to have to be able to plan stuff effectively. You’re going to be happy to be able to prioritize your time and manage time and things like that. So these are skills that take many many many many years to develop but this paper will help you identify with those things are so that you can have better smell through but also so that you can have a better life. Hey, so this will reduce your stress. If you do this, it will reduce our stress help you be better at managing the things you need to do increase your freedom and peace of mind enjoy and help you have better. Now this is not a Magic Bullet or anything like that. You have to work at stuff. But this this will just at least help contain and frame what you need to be focusing on have a fantastic spring semester. I will see in a