Summer Break: 7 quick tips

Please CLICK above to share. Parents and teachers, Happy Summer! Here are 7 key ideas that you can use to help your child have a great summer and to better prep for next fall. Thanks! — Seth
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Video transcript:

Hey, what’s up? Everybody? I’m not sure if it’s gone. This is epic stuff Troy. Com. You have probably now finished the school year. So teachers congratulations. I hope you have an incredible summer. I know that I’m for teachers lot of times people think you’re totally free and I know cuz I was a teacher for a long time that you are not necessarily for the summer. But I hope you have some really great down time this summer and Parents summer for you guys. And obviously for your children that it’s summer in what I want to do today was give you 7 quick thing. I really this is more for parents. I just want to give you some ideas in terms of how I conceptualize the summer ending with number 7, which will be what I believe is the most important of all things. So number one. I want to talk a little bit about reading over the summer whether or not your child is in elementary school middle school or high school when I think about reading the number one most important thing that I think about Rida Is dropping a love reading and often times. It happens in school is schools are very focused on developing skills around reading and often times the love can be lost and kids end up some kids end up resenting reading or not finding value in it. So I think that the number one most important thing is that they love it that they find Value in it because if they find Value in Reading then whatever skills they need as they grow up they’ll be able to develop the skills better and better if they don’t love it then they’re missing out on one of the most beautiful and amazing and transformative things in the world, which is reading information reading books people expert on things have created books to share ideas and they’re just such important things in human culture. So When I’m talking with families, I’m looking at my notes are but when I’m talking with families about reading also and if you had your child reading the summer, whether it’s a couple times a week or daily or whatever I make sure it’s manageable but make sure it’s relatively consistent. So the more consistency the better. So if it’s every Monday Wednesday and Thursday for half hour or whatever it is or if it’s daily or whatever but the consistencies really important like you just don’t want to just have like one week where you really were you reading light. You want it spread throughout the summer because you’re developing a long-term skilled long-term love and appreciation for reading so I don’t really care what they read just as long as they’re reading and I do think it’s important to read over the summer and again for funds but there are two things in particular I want talk about one is if your child is reading a novel lot of time is parents will say okay. We’re we are teachers will say, okay, you got to reach for 10 minutes tonight or 20 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever you can say that but I think More important is to have an amount of reading meaning if you’ve read 20 minutes and you’re in the middle of a chapter. That’s a horrible place to stop. So, I’d much rather see a child read one chapter 3 chapters or something like that and I’d actually much rather if they’re not going to read daily. I’d much rather them read every other day or every few days but read multiple chapters because reading one chapter a day is not you’re not learning to dive into a book and that’s what I want for them is to learn how to dive into a book how to learn to really enjoy it that they’re doing it just to do it. I want them. Hopefully you’re trying to not make that happen. You want them to be enjoying Secondly, I want to mention is talk about it. So after they’re done reading ask them what the rent you can go character setting plot the point of view elements of literature. You can talk about main ideas. You can talk about whatever but talk about it. What were you reading about? Tell me about a have a fun conversation that okay now writing same thing. I think it was important thing is to love riding. You want to develop a love, right? And so much of school is around. How do you do specific things related to writing while during summer? I want them to really be free and be able to write creatively and have a lot of free right but you have some kids who are not self-starters when it comes to writing and some who are so that’s another thing to contemplate if they are not self starters with writing you’re going to have to help them with prompts are discussing it or whatever and it depends on the age to helping a senior in high school versus a 4th grader with this is going to be look very different. But ultimately you want them to be riding free. I’m using timers for riding is great now reading is different cuz you Shoppers but writing using a timer and thing I ever going to write for 15 minutes today. I just free, right, you know, that’s really a good time and do that. You can also do pages with writing. There’s something on morning Pages. It’s from the Scrapbook and I’ve done morning Pages before I write 3 Pages a day every morning, but whatever again it’s about enjoyment map nomap. I also want them to love but math is different in that you’re doing it more like you’re doing push-ups you’re doing it more to build skills as opposed to building loves. Obviously you want to build the love and if they already like Matt, that’s great, but you really looking for skills when you’re doing summer stuff. What I want to tell you parents is that in my opinion. You don’t have to do a lot literally three problems every 3 days a week 3 problems a day is fine. What I’m looking for when I’m working with kids in this capacity with math is I’m looking for quote Perfection. I don’t like the word Perfection. But in this case, I I used it. Very specifically because when they’re working on math, I want them to work on it as perfectly as possible during the summer. One of the I want it. I want to drink pushups at one time keeping the skills up math is a an area where you lose scales very quickly. It’s different than Reading Writing in that way. So keeping keeping strong in math during the summer is very helpful. But when the main things I want them to do is be checking their work. So the Perfection comes in really taking your time doing three problems, but high-quality having them self check before you’re going to check having them say, why are you sure this is right. Are you sure are you sure how do you know and helping them? Learn the self reflection in math? Because what happens in middle and high school with a lot of these kids is they don’t want to show their work and in they can do that for a point and they can do that with certain types of math, but then it gets so complex that they have to show their work. I want them showing that work during the summer I want Taking their time. I don’t want it to be hard. I wanted to be doable and but I really want to focus on the quality during summer, generally. And let’s see and I want them to be self checking other subjects. I’m not too concerned about other subjects is generally speaking unless something there’s a specific reason that they should be practicing another subject. I’m nuts too concerned about that. I really want them to have fun during summer. I want them to dive into enrichment activities or things that are going to reach them things are going to help moderate future number 5. Immersion. I really is summer is a great time for them to get immersed in something for day-long programs week-long programs multiple week camps things like that. So getting immersed in something where they’re learning and having fun is great exploration. So not necessarily getting immersed, but it’s being exposed to multiple things exploring a lot of different things during summer. It’s a great time for exploration usual summer time wisely because there’s so much that you can do with it to help them launch a great future and then finally number 7. The most important thing in my opinion that you want to do with your child during the summer does have quality time with them life is short their childhood is sure it goes by so fast and bleed when I summer is going to be gone before you know it so the most important thing in my opinion is that whatever you do whether you do any of the other stuff that I told you about that you make sure that you carve out that you planned that you really get the fun connected quality time that you want because I’m most important thing in your life is your relationship with your children and yourself in and your partner and your family and friends and stuff. But that relationship. How does the most important thing? So brialee take time to have quality time with your tops. Do not let Summer go by like that like make sure that you’re planning it in that you’ve really got you know, they can really imagine how much quality time you want to spend with them in really make these things happen. So with that that’s all I have. Hope you’re doing great. I feel like the video give it a thumbs up shirt with somebody put a comment below. And I will see you next Sunday at If you haven’t subscribed to my cycle and check out the product, and take care.