VIP Gifts, The ADHD Toolkit

Seth’s VIP Gifts for Bob Dietrich’s ADHD Toolkit

Hi from Seth Perler,

Thanks for joining us and below are your freebies.
This page is private just for ADHD Toolkit attendees. Please do not share it.
  1. Here are your freebies:
    1. PDF: Iceberg Theory Download & print here
    2. PDF: Executive Function Assessment to learn about a student’s EF:  Download & print here 
    3. $50 OFF TEFOS, an incredible deal on a phenomenal package that will help you in countless ways, even if you’re not a parent! Use Coupon Code: adhdtefos
    4. 50% OFF the EF101 program for parents/teachers. Use Coupon Code: ef101gift
    5. I’ve added you to get my Sunday email updates, so no need to subscribe.
    6. MORE: Other freebies: here
In gratitude and service,
Seth Perler

ps – if you like my work, please share it to help get the word out.

Learn more about Executive Function

EF101, A Crash Course in Executive Function


TEFOS, The Executive Function Summit

