For you… Parenting Resilience Summit
Seth’s VIP Gifts
Hi from Seth! Thanks for joining us and here are your freebies:
- This private page is just for you, attendees. Please do not share it.
- You’ll be automatically added you to get my Sunday Strategy Executive Function email updates, no need to subscribe. Safe unsubscribe anytime.
- Here are your secret links:
- 13 EF Skills ASSESSMENT, PDF, Download & Print here >
- DISCOUNTS end at 12:00 Midnight EST Weds Oct 12, 2022:
- DISCOUNT: 50% off my EF101 program for parents/teachers. Use Coupon Code: EF101GIFTPR
- DISCOUNT: $100 off my UGYG, UpGrade Your Grades for students. Use Coupon Code: UGYG100OFFPR
- DISCOUNT: 50% off TEFOS 2022: The Executive Function Online Summit. Use Coupon Code: TEFOSVIPPR
- You can also register for my free Executive Function Summit 2023
Seth Perler