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Seth’s VIP Gifts

Hi from Seth! Thanks for joining us and here are your freebies:

  1. This private page is just for you, attendees. Please do not share it.
  2. You’ll be automatically added you to get my Sunday Strategy Executive Function email updates, no need to subscribe. Safe unsubscribe anytime.
  3. Here are your secret links:
    1. 13 EF Skills ASSESSMENT, PDF, Download & Print here >
    2. DISCOUNTS end at 12:00 Midnight EST Monday Oct 10, 2022:
      1. DISCOUNT: 50% off my EF101 program for parents/teachers. Use Coupon Code: EF101GIFTVIPS
      2. DISCOUNT: $100 off my UGYG, UpGrade Your Grades for students. Use Coupon Code: UGYG100OFFVIPS
      3. DISCOUNT: 50% off TEFOS 2022: The Executive Function Online Summit. Use Coupon Code: TEFOSVIPS
    3. You can also register for my free Executive Function Summit 2023
In gratitude and service,
Seth Perler