EF Quiz Results – Overview

Hi from Seth. Thanks for taking the quiz. Feel free to bookmark this secret page as a reference.
Step 1: Watch All 4 Results Below
I recommend you watch ALL 4 results videos because you will learn a lot more about how to help your child.
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Step 2: Access These Free Resources
1. EF quiz PDF version for reference Download It Here2. Systems Assessment PDF to see if your child has the right systems in place. Download the PDF Here
Step 3: Please Share The Quiz
Click here for the link to the page where you originally started the quiz. I put a lot into creating this free resource to help you, and it means the world to me if you please share it far and wide.Results: Level 1, Urgent
This score indicates that Executive Function is a very serious concern. I work with many students in this category, and it takes a lot of persistent support from everyone involved. It does not fix itself, so the need for outside help may be urgent: school intervention, tutors, coaches, therapists, specialists. Hopefully, your child is open to help, but it is common for these students to be extremely resistant and to believe they’ve got it handled even though there is little to no evidence of that. Therefore, the urgent need here is to address any underlying problems first, while helping them learn how to break through their own resistance so they can finally start building the habits they desperately need to be successful.
Results: Level 2, Needs Support
This child definitely struggles with Executive Functioning, but is in a great place to make changes if they are honest enough with themselves to be able to receive help! Most of the kids I work with are in this Level 2 category, and they lack solid habits and systems. These kids need 1) to connect the dots and understand how their habits are impacting them, 2) understand the specific foundations they need 3) someone to support them to build the right foundation once and for all. The sooner you get help for this student, the better.
Results: Level 3, Good Enough Exectuive Function
I work with a lot of kids who are “almost” in this category. In other words, they have decent systems in place but they need a bit more guidance to connect all the dots. They often want help and when given the right coaching, these kids are able to take it and run with it. Fortunately, they are usually open and willing to apply the coaching to build a great foundation of Executive Functioning habits for themselves in a semester or so.
Results: Level 4, Solid
You can rest assured that your child has good executive function. Your child is a systems thinker, detail oriented, and likely does very well in school. It’s likely that your child has strong EF naturally or that they have put a lot of effort into building EF skills and habits. My biggest concern for these students is that they become perfectionistic, overly self-critical, or overly compliant and approval seeking. My hope is that they are self-compassionate, that they have strong self-confidence and that they are not too hard on themselves or stressed out from pressure.
Learn more about Executive Function: Check out EF101, A Crash Course in Executive Function for Parents, Teachers & Professionals