EF Quiz Results – Urgent
Results: Level 1, URGENT
This score indicates that Executive Function is a very serious concern. I work with many students in this category, and it takes a lot of persistent support from everyone involved. It does not fix itself, so the need for outside help may be urgent: school intervention, tutors, coaches, therapists, specialists. Hopefully, your child is open to help, but it is common for these students to be extremely resistant and to believe they’ve got it handled even though there is little to no evidence of that. Therefore, the urgent need here is to address any underlying problems first, while helping them learn how to break through their own resistance so they can finally start building the habits they desperately need to be successful.
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4: Solid
You can probably rest assured that your child has good executive function, but there is a key concern to be aware of…
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3: Good Enough
I see a handful of kids in this category. They often want help and when given the right coaching…
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2: Needs Support
Your child definitely struggles with EF, but they are in a great place to start learning the right skills…
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