UGYG Momentum Group: Secret Hub

NOTE: You must be logged in to UGYG to view this page.

Spring Semester 2020 Hub

Please read carefully. And as always, in order to improve your executive function & focus, please minimize distractions by closing tabs, silencing phones, etc.. Welcome from Seth. The absolute BIGGEST problem people have with a course is that they lose momentum, and that’s why you’re here! This Momentum group program will help you and your child get much more out of UGYG so your child can have a better educational experience and ultimately a better future. This is all about taking babysteps; action and more action. Now please read this page carefully, there are a lot of details. WEEKLY UPDATES: To see what to do this week, just scroll down and look for the STOP sign. You get updates via email most Fridays at 12:00 noon mst (Denver, here’s a timezone converter.)


STUDENT HUB: I made this page for students in case you find it useful. You must be logged in. It hosts student videos and notes so they don’t have to sift through this particular page. Click here for Momentum Student Area CALENDAR & HANDBOOK PDF: Click here for UGYG Momentum Calendar / Handbook, a printable PDF of the Spring 2020 Momentum calendar & handbook. If you can’t make the times, I record sessions and post them below. The calendar is in MST, mountain time, Denver, here’s a timezone converter. GOOGLE CALENDAR: CLICK HERE for the shared Google Calendar for Momentum families UGYG COURSE HOME PAGE: Click here to get back into the course WATCH PARTY HUB: Click here for the actual Watch Party Page, with instructions, the people in each group and their info. If you have not connected yet, please do so as soon as you can. Click here for the PDF with Watch Party Groups
  1. You got the Group or Premium program, so you now have access to UGYG for as long as you want.
  2. Is there a catch? No. Now dive in and get momentum!
  3. If you went through UGYG in a previous semester, I definitely recommend you to go through it again. You will get more out of it each time.
  4.  This is a SECRET page. Nobody knows about this except for people who have enrolled in the Momentum group or premium program. The only way you can find it is through this link, so please bookmark it now. Here’s the link:
  5. This secret page is a living document that I use to add updates & new support materials for you. This includes new PDFs I make for you, recorded webinar/session replays, or videos I record just for the group. Scroll down to see where I add updated content.
  6. I email you Momentum updates throughout the semester to let you know when I add new content here or host new zoom sessions with you. This way you don’t have to check this page randomly.
  7. Every time I send you an email update, I will link this secret page to make it easier for you to get back here.
  8. I intentionally design this content to make it NOT overwhelming because I know there is a lot to absorb. Having said that, it may still feel like a lot, BUT I will make it as simple to sift through as possible so you can more easily find what you need when you need it. Just keep showing up.
  1. More accountability = more results. I added more live group coaching calls, added this page as a resource library, and use the exclusive UGYG parent Facebook group for support. If you want me to respond in that group, feel free to tag me, “Seth Brian Perler” so I know you posted. I will get in there as often as possible.
  2. More momentum. I added more group coaching calls and changed WHEN I am doing the parent and student calls, with more intensity at the beginning to get more momentum.
  3. I create special new lessons for you because I have seen how powerful these are for the families I work with.
  4. Through group coaching calls, I will guide you on what to do and when. BUT take this with a grain of salt, because everyone is on different school schedules. I simply created the timeline below based on a typical American school calendar because I need somewhere to start. This is not perfectly aligned with everyone’s schedule (For example, homeschool families will modify how they use this content for their unique circumstances). The important thing is NOT the schedule, but taking ACTION with the content. Just dive in and trust the process.
  5. Know that you do not HAVE to do anything the way I recommend here. Again, I am providing this structure for those who want it. Always do what you need to do for your child.
  6. About any new videos this semester: I host your videos on Vimeo. I have done everything I can to make this as helpful as possible. For example, you can click the gear on the videos to speed them up or slow them down depending on your preferences.
  7. Which videos should we show our child? Parents, there are many families here, some with 5th graders, some with college kids. Everyone is in a different situation and you know your child best. For some of you, it will be easy to get your child to watch. For some of you, it will be wiser to watch the content yourself first and just share the segments that you think your child will like. The massive parent module consists of videos where I am speaking TO parents directly. You should watch all of these, but your child will probably not benefit from them.
TIME ZONES: Here’s a Time Zone Converter to help you plan for live calls. I am in MDT, Mountain Daylight Time, Denver. ABOUT ZOOM: I use Zoom for group coaching calls with you. It is easy and free for you, check ZOOM out here if you want. You can remain hidden or you can appear on screen with me. I record live sessions and post them below on this secret page. ABOUT LIVE CALLS: Read carefully: We will start with a parent only coaching call. Then when we finish, I will transition to the student call. I will send your zoom link/invite to the email address I have for you but you can easily share this link with your spouse and child so they can watch from anywhere. The link will work for anyone to join. BONUS: You get a 1-hour 1:1 live zoom strategy session with me and you/your child to use any time during the semester. Think about when it would be most useful to you and then email me at with this subject line: IMPORTANT: SCHEDULING UGYG 1:1 Tell me when you prefer to meet, who will be on the call, how you want to structure the call, what you hope to get out of the call, the exact emails you want me to send the zoom invites to for the call, and your phone number in case it’s easier to make arrangements via phone. I will reply so we can schedule the time. HOW TO GET BACK TO UGYG: To get back into the UGYG course, just click the LOGIN button in the menu of my site.


Here are your weekly updates

Note: The newest updates are always at the top of this list. CLICK HERE for the printable PDF Spring 2020 Momentum calendar & handbook.


Momentum Update, Friday, March 13, 2020 Covid19 notes pdf: COVID19SchoolClosureConsiderations COVID10 Webinar replay
Momentum Update, Sunday, March 8, 2020 Parents, the above video is for your child, BUT you should watch it first. You will also find this in the STUDENT SECRET HUB if you want to direct your child to that link. By now, you “should” have done Modules 1, 2 & 3. You “should” have a good foundation by now and “should” officially be in implementation mode. Keep taking action!
Momentum Update, Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Momentum Updates week #3, Sunday, January 26, 2020 STUDENT REPLAY: Jumpstart Bootcamp (4/6), SSS Sacred Study Space: PDF about SSS. Jumpstart Bootcamp (5/6), Advocacy: PDF about Advocacy. Jumpstart Bootcamp (6/6), SNO Sunday Night Overhaul: PDF about SNO.
Momentum Updates week #2, Friday, January 17, 2020 Parent actions to take this week:
  1. IF you did NOT do action items from previous weeks, please do those first. (see below).
  2. Do something FUN to connect with your child this week, that has nothing to do with school.
  3. Explore the Momentum Google calendar so you can see how it works, it’s a great place to find details for everything.
  4. Use the Daily Plans with your child regularly and the Planning Questions.
  5. Watch M7L2, Parents, How to help with Clean Slating.
  6. Watch M7L3 Parents, How to have difficult conversations.
  7. Watch student lessons below.
Student actions:
  1. Remove distractions when doing UGYG. Close excess tabs, turn off phone, do whatever you need to do so you can focus.
  2. Watch M2L1, Your Brain.
  3. Watch M2L2, FOUNDATIONS, what are they?
  4. Watch M2L3, How to Frankenstudy.
  5. Watch M2L4, Paper Management.
PARENT REPLAY: STUDENT REPLAY: Jumpstart Bootcamp (1/6), Digital Systems: PDF about Digital Systems. Jumpstart Bootcamp (2/6), Planners: PDF about Planners. Jumpstart Bootcamp (3/6), Folders:  PDF about Folders.
Momentum Update #1, Friday, January 10, 2020 Actions to take this week:
  1. Make CERTAIN you are getting my Friday emails and let me know if there are any problems.
  2. Read the details above on this page carefully.
  3. Print the Momentum calendar & handbook above.
  4. Get momentum dates into your calendars and/or use the link above for our shared Google calendar.
  5. Print and cut your “Today’s Plan”, 90 plans per semester, or about 23 copies.
  6. ASSESSMENT: Print several assessments for this semester. You should do this monthly this semester to track growth. SethPerler.SchoolSystemsSelf-Assessment
    1. Circle one of these items to completely focus on this week. Pick one that you think would give you the most benefit if you really focus on it. Post your goal somewhere good.
  7. CALENDAR: Print 3-4 of YOUR school district calendars. Try to Google “my district 2019-2020 academic calendar.”
    1. Highlight all days you have off.
    2. Post one on the fridge, one in bedroom or SSS, tape one in the planner.
  8. QUESTIONS: Print 2 copies, post or laminate: Here are the Nightly Planning Questions: Planning Questions PDF
  9. LESSONS: In UGYG, STUDENTS should watch the following lessons by Sunday. Parents should definitely watch these as well:
    1. Click “UGYG Start Page” Watch “THE OFFICIAL Welcome to UGYG”
    2. Watch M1L1, “How it works”
    3. Watch M1L2, “Resistance”
    4. Watch M2L8, “Foundations Assessment”
    5. M3L2, “Daily Planning” which goes with the Nightly Planning Questions, see the blue link above
    6. M3L10, “The 1% Rule”
  10. PARENTS watch:
    1. M7L1, “How to help your stuent”
    2. M7L4, “Connecting with your child, 4 tools
  11. PARENTS: Go to the FB momentum group for parents. Introduce yourself, support others, connect and tag me if you want my input.
  12. COMING UP: Details about the upcoming Bootcamp days, Laser 1:1 sessions and Watch Parties.
  13. Watch the video below for parents and students.