#1 Tip for students at end of semester
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The time AFTER Thanksgiving and BEFORE winter break is critical because a lot of students who are not on top of it, fool themselves into thinking they can finish the semester well, yet they are not taking the action that will get results. So many end up finding out they failed a class AFTER it’s too late. This video breaks down my #1 key strategy for handling this.
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Video transcript:
Branson teachers WhatsApp. This one is for middle high school and college students. I’m going to give you one tip students one tip today. That is my number one. Most important tip for what is called Hail Mary time. So if you are a student analyzed for college and you tend to be the type of kid who waits till the last minute you got exams you got papers. You got all the stuff at the end of the semester this video is for you. What’s up? My name is Seth with Seth perler.com executive function coach based out of Boulder Colorado and I help struggling students navigate this thing called education and at the end of the semester I call it hail Mary time and this is what’s going on right now the time between when Thanksgiving break ends and when your winter break begins that time right there is hail Mary time. And the reason I call it hail Mary time is because in football games Hail Marys the time when it’s the last seconds of a football game the very last second and your team is down there losing. Game and the the play begins and the receiver runs way out there and the quarterback throws of crazy pass and the receiver catches the crazy pass make the touchdown in wins the game in the last seconds when it seems like there’s no chance be on the chances they make it and that’s who he want here. When you have a lot of missing work and complete work late work Zero’s your grades are down. You’re not motivated. You’re exhausted. You just want winter breaks so badly. Just want this to be over with you’re just sick and tired of class. But not only do you have all the makeup work. You have your current work during the Salem area time after Thanksgiving break in before your winter break. Not only do you have your current work and your makeup work but during Hail Mary at time you have what I call Pepper papers exams projects and readings pepper pepper papers exams projects in meetings this problem is that these things or shoot. So you’re dealing with a mountain of makeup work. You’re trying to swim upstream and catch up. You’re trying to be like Mom Dad leave me alone. Get off my back I’ve got but you don’t because your grades continue to fall and not only that but you’re about to get hammered with these final things in these final things require a lot of time. So I have one number one best tip for you during this type of time so that you can win the game which means that you can pass your classes not have to retake your classes not have to go to summer school for classes not have to deal with The are all the stress around with my one tip for you my one main tip for you. Is this students? Be honest with yourself and understand that you like me. I’m someone who is a student. I struggled tremendously with executive function. So in order for me to be successful as a student when I was a student in order for you and order for the students. I work with now to be successful. I understand that your brain is going to be unrealistic about the amount of time and energy that is required. In order to do what you need to do to finish the semester. I’m going to say that again understand that your brain is going to be unrealistic about the amount of time and energy that is required for you to do what you need to do in order to finish the semester on a good note in order to win the game if we’re going to go with that metaphor, so How do you know if I introduce myself? My name is Seth. What’s up, bro. Calm. I’m an executive function coach peso to Boulder Colorado. It is super snowy today. We got almost two feet of snow the other day. It’s amazing. It’s beautiful. and anyhow the tip is if you are honest with yourself me like okay? Yeah, that’s me. I am to be honest. I am unrealistic about the amount of time and energy. It takes to do things. I wait till the last minute. I stress my parents out because the night before my giant semester-long project is due on like, oh no its 8 and I got a giant things. Okay. I’m honest with myself. Yes, I struggle with this. Okay School threat. This is who I am. Now that you’re honest with yourself about that the question is what to do about it. And here’s where the tip comes in what to do about it. Since you are unrealistic about amount of time and energy is to plan way more time and energy to do the things that need to be done. Then you think you should the tip is to plan way more of the time and energy that you think is needed the plan way more of it. So my general recommendation is playing anywhere from three to ten times more time than you think you need. So if you think a final project is going to take you two hours. Plan on 6 hours to 20 hours. If you think that studying for exams is going to take you 10 minutes tonight plan 30 minutes tonight. If you think is going to take you two nights plan six nights, etcetera that are you get the point way over plan block out large blocks of time. Look, it’s a merry time. It’s the any at hill-murray time in real game, you put everything into it and those last moments. The team is putting a hundred and 10% everything. They got in more into it, and I know it’s not motivating. You’re tired. You want the semester to be over? You’re so ready for break, but put that last pulse of energy in. Are you going to work 3 to 10 times more than now reality is you’re not going to put in 3 to 10 times more but you’re going to plan it and know that you’re not going to reach that goal. But at least they’re going to do way better than you would have done if you’re being realistic with yourself. And you’re going to put yourself in a much better position to be able to pass your classes and do well on these things an end the semester on a strong note and win the game again, if you will if we are using the the Hail Mary metaphor here. So with that many, what’s up stuff Pro. Com. I hope you have a fantastic fantastic winter break where you can relax know that you’ve done your best be free. Take a deep breath for a couple weeks. And have a great day. I will see you soon.