Take the Free Executive Function Quiz

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How the EF quiz helps?

This free (and highly detailed) Executive Function Quiz gives you the exact key areas all students need to develop in order to successfully navigate school. Students can take the quiz to self-assess or parents/teachers can use it to assess a student. Sure, you might be new to Executive Function, but that doesn’t mean you want to go through the common struggle that many families battle before finally (maybe) getting the right answers. This will empower you to learn more about the foundations that reliably help your child! Click here to get it.

How it works?

  1. Click right here, enter your email.
  2. Check your inbox for the email from me with the link.
  3. Click the link in the email and the PDF will be instantly downloaded to you.
  4. Print several copies of the quiz so you can revisit it every 4-6 weeks to track progress and so you can know what areas you want to focus on with your student.
  5. The quiz takes 3-5 minutes.
  6. You’ll also get my Sunday email updates, free.

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