Learn Executive Function Coaching, The EFC Masterclass

VIDEO,  If you want to… this class will… Welcome from Seth to the EFC Masterclass, The Executive Function Coaching Masterclass Course. Directions Please read this page THOROUGHLY as it should answer all of your questions. What is it? The EFC Masterclass is an exhaustive, step by step, online course where I will teach you my methods of exactly HOW to coach students who struggle with Executive Functioning issues. You will learn how I help resistant students take the steps necessary to change their educational experience so they can feel successful in school and so parents can rest at ease knowing that their child has the skills they need to succeed in school and in life. Disclaimer I am not a corporate entity nor do I ever seek to be. I’m just a guy who happens to be utterly passionate about helping kids who struggle learn how have great lives so they can shine. Also, you’ve got to deal with yo stuff. In other words, you deep inner work. This program is not for everyone. It’s for passionate people who want to serve kids. Who it’s for:
  • Parents
  • Homeschool parents
  • Tutors who want to become coaches or have the skills to help kids learn ef skills
  • Teachers
What you will learn:
  • Rapport building and why it’s my #1 key to helping kids
  • About the 15 aspects of EF that I teach, how they manifest in struggling students
  • How I start with a new student
  • The key differences between working with EF with Elementary, Middle, high School and College students
  • How and why i do a meet & greet
  • How, when and why I work with parents to get their support and to help tehm support their child more effectively
  • how to help students move through the many forms of resistance they struggle with (they resist advocating for tehmselves, doing schoolwork, studying, etc
  • How to teach students effective note-takign strategies
  • How to teach them how to study creatively so it takes less time
  • How I advocate directly with teachers
  • How I teach parents to advocate
  • How I teach students to self-advocate
FAQ Will I get certification? Yes, I will send How much does it cost and how do I get started? Do your research on coaching programs thoroughly to make the comparison you need. i assure you this is more than worth it because I do NOT follow conventional norms for no good reason. Here’s what you will find: THey try to get you into a top down marketing scheme to convince you to join. I try to convince you NOT to since the programs usually do NOT work for people ebcause they do are not ready to make the commitment to become good. They often assess you by meaningless tests. I asses you by doing a thorough live call with you and I will absolutely NOT certify you if you have not gained the skills necessary to do this coaching. I have a money back gaurantee because if this is not right for you, I don’t want your money. Basic Training – non-certification: $4500 $Adacnced cetification with MM – $5500 BONUS: Exhaustive beginners guide to starting your thing How and why to list build the right way