The “Organizationally Challenged” [Video 1/3]
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The “Organizationally Challenged,” Video 1 of 3
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My youngest (age 11) is challenged by organization. We’re working together to figure out systems and tools that help align her success in this area.Well, all the students I work with are “organizationally challenged.” But what can we do about it? Here is the first in a 3 part mini-series about what works.
30-Day Challenge:
Try this and let me know how it goes:- Download the free Quick Decluttering Guide right here.
- Print it and overhaul everything on it to the best of your ability.
- Give yourself 30 days to make as much of a dent as possible.
- Email me or leave a comment here to let me know what happened.

Love my work and want to give? Click here! To support me, please CLICK at the bottom to share. Click here to visit my official YouTube Channel & subscribe if you want! Thank you -Seth
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Video transcript:
Everybody that’s the stuff the stuff for and this week. I’m going to share with you a quick email from a parent and she writes my youngest age 11 is challenged by organization. Working together to figure out some system is in tools to help align her success in this area. Challenge spy organization 100% of the students that I work with are challenged by the by organization. It wouldn’t be coming to me if they weren’t challenged by organization. So I’m going to dive into this topic and I’m going to make three videos for you. This is part one where I’m going to discuss three ways that you can really help tackle getting more organized and help kids who are challenged by organization. Before we get into it, let’s look at why. Somebody would be challenged by renovation the first place and what it comes down to is the bring executive function in the brain the prefrontal cortex the front part of the brain, the brain’s ability to execute task organizing requires organizing is part of the executive function it part of the ability to execute ask you must be able to organize things in order to execute ask let’s look at to tasks one with the writing a paper into we’ll look at cleaning a bedroom. Okay. So if you’re writing a paper cleaning a bedroom in order to do either of those you have to organize you have to organize your thoughts to organize your space. We have to organize the materials. You have to organize the Clutter you have to organize stuff. So if you’re writing a paper you have to organize the paper organizer thoughts and do a good outline to a good plan, which these kids do not like to plan their Take me to start riding in vomit all their words out and then that it goes all over the place and it’s very disorganized. Right and if you look at cleaning a bedroom that you have to organize space you have to be able to think categorically in systematized and think about where the places are four things. So what I’m going to do is I’m in these three videos. I’m going to look at 3 things that you can do either as a student to get more organized in life in general or as a parent to help these students who are not organized again. This has to do with the brain the brain is still developing the brain will continue to develop with executive functioning to kids about 25 years old. So there’s a lot of growth in the brain that still going to happen and the more you can help these kids to have habit that really support this the better executive function will develop So today I’m specifically going to talk about the first tip to help people who are challenged by organization in the first thing you want to do is declutter. You want to get rid of clutter? You want to minimize you want to get down to the essentials. He want to get rid of everything. You don’t need there’s some different domains you want to do this. You want to go through all your stuff all the closet under the bed all the old books. All the old toys all the old things that you don’t need any more. You want to get rid of so long time ago. I met this guy named Lou and he was a multi multi-millionaire. He lives in this big mansion in Indiana and Every once in a while you’d have people over and is this place is huge. There were four wings to the house. And one of the things that Lou said to me is he said that the more stuff you have the more stuff you maintain because he had a lot of stuff actually had somebody we was living on the grounds just to maintain the lawn. He literally lived at the house just to maintain the exterior. So this is the more stuff you have the more you have to maintain now for these kids the more stuff. They have the more they have to maintain the more shoes. They have the more shoes that the track the more stock the more they have to track them or clothing the more bucks. The more toys the more stop whatever their hobby is the happiest snowboarding and skiing the more stuff that has to do with that the more they have to maintain there’s so much stuff stuff stuff. Your first step is to declutter and I will put a downloadable declutter. Checklist on the blog post for you. So you can download that print it and use it to help you declutter in a systematic way so that it’s not overwhelming but when you don’t declutter your coloring and there’s so much stuff that it creates not only clutter in the physical space, but it also creates clutter in the mind. So these kids were not great at systematizing. They have a lot of it when they have a lot of clutter. They’re even more overwhelmed mentally it takes up mental space when there’s a lot of physical stuff that’s unnecessary. And so you want to recycle it give it to Goodwill sell it throw it away, whatever you need to do declutter. So that’s the first step. Now as you declutter your mind begins to be able to clear as your space to give the clear your mind against the clear but it’s not just a sin stuff. It’s also on the computer. So I also want you to declutter your computer. That means getting rid of emails unsubscribing from email list deleting any and all photos that you don’t need. So many people have thousands of photos 17 photos of the same thing like get rid of the Clutter that stuff now teach kids to do this early so that they’re not coming up their minds and their space in their computers with all of this before. Company email list that I was working with a student the other day. We were going through his head about seven thousand emails. We’re going through the emails unsubscribing from all these lists because we would look up he was he’s in snowboarding and we would look up a particular company that he had described to there be a hundred emails from them and he didn’t never opened any of them. So we deleted him an unsubscribe. So you really want you to be thinking those three things one de-cluttering space physical stuff to decluttering the computer very important to get in that happened with the technological world. We live in 3 declaring your mind. And when you do these things that will help declutter your mind, but also when you resolved internal issues and conflicts and things like that that also helps to declutter the mind so you like what I’m doing go ahead and share this video with somebody had really appreciate that and I will get on to the next video, but for now go to the block if you want and you can I’m download that free worksheet checklist to help you declutter. They’re just make it very clear. So have an awesome day. Take care.