Seth’s YouTube

Hi parents, teachers & others, I make youtube videos for you every single week, and this page tells you all about it. How do I subscribe? Click here to go to my channel and click the red SUBSCRIBE button in the upper right. If you don’t like alerts, subscribing is all you need to do, and it helps you because my videos will show more often in your youtube home. You’ll also find my videos more easily in your subscriptions list on YouTube. Finally, subscribing helps me by telling YouTube that my work is relevant.  If you want alerts whenever I post new videos, click the bell icon here and you can customize them to your preferences. Is there a difference between subscribing here on and on YouTube? Yep. Here I send you a weekly email update with any and all relevant notes once a week on Sundays at 3:00 pm. You can click here to get free Sunday updates. YouTube subscription is for my youtube channel only. But definitely please subscribe on youtube too if possible because it helps my message grow. What is my intention? I am a very purpose-driven person, and my mission with videos is to be of service to you by creating at least one piece a week. When I create videos I always try to unpack a problem and to offer actionable solutions. Why don’t you allow YouTube to place ads on your videos?  I have been told by many people that I should allow ads because I can make money that way. But my purpose is to serve. I work hard to communicate a positive and helpful message on every single video, and I don’t want anything to interrupt that. Also, I hate being interrupted by ads when I’m trying to learn on youtube, and I treat my audience how I want to be treated. This is also why I don’t use clickbait – it feels manipulative so I don’t do it Who do I make videos for? I make most of my videos for parents of students with Executive Function challenges. I often make videos for parents and teachers both. Sometimes I make videos especially for students because I get a lot of feedback from parents that they like to share my videos with their children and that their children will listen to me affirm principles that parents try to convey, but have trouble getting their child to listen. Many teachers tell me that they show some of my videos to their classes. So I am mindful that I am speaking to multiple audiences, and make my messages clear to these different people. Want to share Seth’s channel? I absolutely love it when you share my channel and encourage friends to subscribe because it helps me get my message out to more people. The YouTube algorithm responds to this by noticing that my work is relevant, which is especially helpful since a lot of people are not aware of the term Executive Function. Should I comment on your videos? Yes, please do because it helps in a few ways. 1. It builds community so my audience can connect better and get better ideas about how to help students. 2. Comments also tell YouTube that my work is relevant, so it helps my message grow. Should I click the thumbs up? Again, yes, please. If you like my message, please click it because again, it tells YouTube that my work is helpful, and it helps my message grow. In gratitude and service, Seth Perler