Webinar Bonuses: What to do AFTER Thanksgiving and BEFORE Winter Break
To watch the REPLAY, scroll to the bottom.
Parents, hello from Seth. Thanks for joining me on this webinar. I hope it gave you some great ideas, and the checklist and video below will help you take ACTION! Here are all of the things mentioned:
Special Discount on UGYG: Here are the discount links just for you attendees. You’ll want to take time to see if you and your child are ready for UGYG by going through the details carefully, because it’s a robust program that will only help if you and your child take massive action. This means that your child first has to have buy-in in order for them to take action!
1 – Click here to learn about UGYG in general.
2 – Click here to learn about UGYG Momentum Group (enrollment is open through December 16).
3 – Click here for $100 off UGYG Independent Study, the Self-paced version (sale ends at 4pm, mst, Sat Dec 7. Note that I will not be sending any reminders, so be sure to get it in your planner if you’re considering it).
4 – Click here for $100 off UGYG Momentum Group Program with added accountability (sale ends at 4pm, mst, Sat Dec 7. Note that I will not be sending any reminders, so be sure to get it in your planner if you’re considering it).
Note: To be clear, you absolutely do not have to buy anything to get the other items below. They are 100% free and if you use them, they WILL help you and your child! But check out UGYG, it’s good, and it just might help.
Parent Outline & email template PDF of the Webinar: ParentwebinaroutlineAFTERThankgivingBEFOREWinterBreakFree Checklist: Here’s the “What to do Afer Thanksgiving and BEFORE Winter Break” checklist. I designed this FOR students to print and use, but parents will definitely want copies of it because it will make life easier. STUDENTACTIONCHECKLISTAfterThanksgivingBeforeWinterBreakVideo for Students: Parents, I encourage you to watch this first, and if you think your child will benefit, show them this video.
Parent Webinar Replay (from the Monday 6pm webinar)