3 school PLANNER myths and what to do instead

Please CLICK above to share. In this video, I’ll explain 3 big myths about planners/calendars/agendas and how adults try to help students use them. Then I’ll give you guidance on what really matters when choosing the right planner for a student who struggles with planning.
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Video transcript:

Parents in this video. I’m going to talk to you in teachers. I’m going to talk to you about three myths that people often have about planners calendars and agendas. So the first men tell by the way, my name is sepis up for what I comment executive function coach out of Boulder Colorado and I will work with students who struggle with this thing called education in and help them learn how to better navigate it and the first planner meth that I’m going to talk to you about. Is that giving a kid a planter is enough. So there’s this myth without all that if we just give them the right planner that that’s good enough, but the fact is that these skills the skills of learning how to plan the skills of using a planner eat to effectively track and manage the tasks and responsibilities that a human being has the skills that are required to do that are enormous. There are a lot of microscopes that are involved in this process and I think that what happens is that kids usually get Planters and play. Sixth grade, that’s usually when they’re first given them by the school or the parents and I think that would happens is that at that time we give these planters out in a lot of the kids in 5th or 6th grade do well with Planters. They’re giving them to give him a little bit of guidance and they can run with it. And then you have these other kids were giving the planners and they like, what do you want me to do with this isn’t fun not only is enough fun, but I don’t know what you want me to do with us. And so the idea is that if we give it to you and give you a little guidance since they use it that you’re going to use it while I want to dispel the Smiths. So what I think is happening here is that the kids who are naturally pretty decent using them. They actually have been building on these microscopes for years and first grade second grade third grade fourth grade by the time they’re in 5th and 6th grade and they’ve built a lot of decent executive functioning planning skills there more linear thinkers weather that’s by nature nurture. I am not getting into that but they have better executive function skills. They are more linear Arthur Morris. Sequential there more process thinkers. Are there more detail oriented people and so they take to this stuff more easily. They look at a player and they say and you give him a little guidance that makes my life easier, but the kids who haven’t been consciously or intentionally building the skills over the years and the more free-spirited big picture of global thinker right brain, these type of kids who don’t have great executive function. They get the planner and they say I look at my shoulders watch. Why why what what am I supposed to do? I can’t attract all the things you’re telling me to do. It’s just overwhelming to them all of the skills that are involved in this. So again myth number one is that giving them a planter is enough. It’s not enough. He’s a very high level skills it have to be taught in and takes years to teach and for the kids who haven’t been taught that directly we need to teach that number two. Nip number to is one-size-fits-all. You’ll see a middle school with 1,500 kids. They buy boxes of these Planters. They get them the teachers get them. They take him to the classrooms. They pass them out and you got 1500 middle schoolers in a middle school with the exact same plan or is it one-size-fits-all is the bat planter is banned all be off for all of them. These Planters have the school handbook in the front. They have the hall pass in the back there the periodic table, only misspelled words bunch of crap. They don’t need in the planner and they will have two or three pages in the front of it that says how to use a planner and then the teacher might give a little bit of guidance and say, okay pull out your planner blah blah, but that’s not enough. So anyhow, one-size-fits-all is myth number to one size does not fit off. There’s another place where I see the one-size-fits-all meth and that is where somebody researches planners. What’s the best planner you get back a bunch of gov results on the internet as to what’s the best planner you read the reviews? You see all these people that are crazy about this planner the person who designed the planner has written a book about the plant. Have the courts about the planner in and everything’s the planner. It’s the coolest thing in the world in the people who write the reviews The Five Star reviews. They love it will guess what? They’re the people use it if people use the one-star reviews probably while there probably aren’t many of them because they’re not using it. They don’t have the experience to say I’m going to give this one sat there just aren’t many people who do that. So you got to really think about why are these reviews here? Now? Those Planters are often good for people with decent executive function already who are willing to take the time to learn the methodology and the intention behind that particular planter design again, there is no one-size-fits-all many players can be good for many different people people use those Planters. Well are using the skills of planning. They’ve just giving you a device that helps you use those skills fairly well and you adapt somewhat your personality and style to these Planters. They’ve given you a A jumping off point and some guidance around how to do that. But the these for people who plan decently well and want to spend the time to refine that stuff. They’re going to love these planners your kid if they struggle with executive function is not going to spend that much time on it, especially independently learning how to do it. It’s number to one-size-fits-all number three planners. Don’t work for my kid really. It’s more planners. Don’t work for me. You really hear this myth more for a kid. Yeah planners. Don’t work for me. Yeah, I don’t like planets. I hate planners planners planners just don’t work the Planters not working. It’s that the kid isn’t working the planner. Now as I said before they don’t know how to so it’s like giving them this Guitar. Let’s say you’ve never played guitar before and giving you this guitar that has a lot of complex Q’s me there’s a phone call that has a lot of complicated things going on. You have to know how to change to know how to clean it with a proper cleaning stuff. You have to know how to change the pickup. To change the volume at a change of tone which pickups to gives you what sound what that ass holes for why those dots are there white spots. Are there do you like big fat small fretz flat frats what you are so many complicated things with this instrument and a planner is a very complicated instrument that helps us track our responsibilities in our tasks effectively. So when we when it gets as they just don’t work for me, they’re really saying I don’t have the foundation of knowledge that I need the complex skill set to use this incredible tool. You’re giving me and you’re giving it to me and saying hey go make an amazing song with this like with a guitar, but you’ve never played it before and you’re like what in the world are you talking about? And that’s what we do to kids are so those are the three big myths that I wanted to talk about now. I’m not just going to leave you hanging in there. I’m going to tell you now. How do you pick the right planner? Stop just told you some of these big mess because I don’t want you just thinking that if your kids I was with executive function you give him my planter and they’re going to be okay. Now, we have to really help them learn the skills. But you do have to get one now. I can’t go too deep into it in this video. I’ve already been talking for 7 minutes, but I will tell you this but he kid will do when you go into the office or online or whatever you say what plant or do you want their filter that they’re picking is like if I were to go into a guitar store somebody’s ever play guitar and say which one do you want? They might pick the one that’s their favorite color or that the shape looks cool or that reminds them of their favorite Rockstar. They’re not looking at how is this going to perform and they need to look with planters that how am I going to be able to use this to plant now? How are you the parents going to help them choose that? If they don’t have the background knowledge, what we’re going to do is you’re going to open up dialogue. So they’re going to say it’s a lot of times kids will be like, oh, yeah that one I don’t like the way that one looks. I don’t want my friends to judge me when they see the way that one love, you know, they’re thinking thoughts like this. That one looks cool. That one goes under the radar. I’m not going to stand out with that one. I liked it that one small. I like that one’s bit smaller. Easier to carry a big it’s easier to find like people have all their thoughts what your child is not thinking is how am I going to use this to plan and effectively track my tasks and responsibilities in my life to make my life easier. That’s not what they’re thinking. That’s the dialogue you want to have so they look at a planner and you say what do you think of this one? They say no and you say why? Nice a while because of blah blah blah and if their answer doesn’t really have to do with planning then I want you to press them and say well what about if this was yours how would you use this to plan and they would say whatever they would say and then you look in the next one. How would you use this one to plan how that’s the question the dialogue you want to be having it. How would you use this to check homework? How would you use this one to check test? How would you use this one to check project? If you parents go into the store and you’re talking about how they’re going to use this to effectively manage and track their responsibilities and tasks. That’s what you want to be doing. Now that mean you’re going to walk out of there with the perfect planner know your kid may be using it for two weeks. And you see that it’s not working again. Does that mean that they’re not wear and maybe means they’re not working at you you really windy really need to spend a lot of time with them in the first 6 weeks of school developing planets feels a lot of times the middle school, you know, the teachers will hand out a planner and they open your planner write this in it and it’s just it’s not teaching the skills and again for the kids who seem to pick it up naturally, you know, they seem to be working harder while they’re not they’ve been working for years that they have the skills. Your good is actually working really hard to figure out what the heck is going on with us. So anyhow, I hope that that helps you can sign up for my weekly updates except for what I come and August 23rd 2019. We have it executive function summit.com. I’ll leave a link below cuz I can’t function simon.com its executive function Summit for you parents I’ve got 23 experts from all over the place who are going to share all of their expertise about executive function with you for free for 3 Days starting August 23rd. I register free executive function Summit Please share my work. Please share the summit with people if you like it and please if you like this give it a thumbs up that helps me on YouTube and subscribe to my site subscribe on YouTube. Whatever you want to do this for me. If this is helpful to you, please support my work. Alrighty, then I will see you next Sunday.