EdCoachU – Everything You Need to Know

IMPORTANT: This IS the landing page I refer to in the video. The application link is at the BOTTOM of this page. 1. Please watch the entire video above, and 2. Read this thoroughly before applying. There are many important details to consider. The application will take 15-20 minutes.

What is EdCoachU? Become an Education Coach

EdCoachU is an intensive online workshop designed to help purpose-driven educators build their own unique, passion-based practice. This is a fun, unique, demanding, outside-the-box, yet practical 3-month course that includes:
  1. Weekly live coaching with Adrianne Meldrum and Seth Perler
  2. Weekly office hours with Seth and Adrianne
  3. Weekly in-deph mastermind support & accountability
  4. Detailed online masterclasses covering all the topics you need
  5. Relevant homework challenges that build key components of your business
  6. Printable support sheets
  7. Exclusive access to a private Facebook with your cohort, to trade ideas and discuss coursework
  8. Your hard work building a solid solopreneur foundation.
The point is to have your ideal business fully up and running by this fall or winter. We’ll empower you to build your own, completely personalized, outside-the-box microbusiness, that’s aligned with your mission, your purpose, who you are and what you believe about helping kids so you can make the impact you want to make in this lifetime. Also, to create a successful, sustainable business without any sleazy “sales tactics” ever. For those of you who already have a related business, the goal is for you to catapult it to the next level by that time. And it’s FUN! This isn’t a typical boring training. Adrianne & I are STOKED to serve you and we will help you succeed. More than 50% of teachers quit by year 5. This is a horrific statistic to me – people who dedicated 9+ years of their lives (including college) so they could help our youth, are so burnt out that they quit. And there are so many others out there with an immense ability to serve families, but who don’t know how to create a viable micro-business while retaining a balanced life. Many burnt out teachers feel they have nothing to fall back on (I felt that way) and leave education entirely, never to work with kids again. This is sad to me that there is so much lost talent that is desperately needed in our world. Through EdCoachU, we coach you through every step of the process of creating your own successful microbusiness, serving the kids you’re “meant” to serve. This is designed to accelerate your journey so you can get started in 3 months, which is a fraction of the time it took me and Adrianne to get going with our businesses. We take the guesswork out of the process for you. The goal is that by the time you finish, you’ll be helping the type of kids/parents/families you are meant to help, your way. You’ll be able to make it your bread-n-butter or a side hustle. You’ll have launched your own micro-business, with a good income, a more ideal lifestyle and the ability to serve the kids you were born to serve, the way you believe they should be served. You’ll never have to be inauthentic with “sales”, and you’ll have customers you love to work with. This is the life I live and I’ve spent years learning how to do it right and how to do it well.

4 Benefits of Being an Education Coach:

  1. Make a difference helping the kids YOU are meant to help (Your unique micro “niche”)
  2. Make a good living (The sky’s the limit)
  3. Balance your life (Freedom to create your ideal schedule and lifestyle so you can take care of yourself WHILE making an impact)
  4. Love what you do (Create your practice based on your beliefs)

Who it’s for?

  • Passionate and courageous people who are gifted at helping kids in some unique way, but who want the freedom and flexibility of running their own practice. Perfect for educators who are changing direction, tutors, therapists, or other specialists.
  • People who want to create their own sustainable, passion-based micro-business serving the students or families they were “born to” serve.
  • People who understand that this is not cheap, quick or easy and who are willing to put in the work this July, August and September. Creating my own microbusiness has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and it’s also one of the most rewarding.

What you’ll learn?

How to launch your own microbusiness. Across 9 distinct stages, we will coach you through taking all of the the key action items and building the systems that will set you up for success. Here’s the gist (there are many sub-lessons related to each module): Module 1 Mindsets: How to adopt the foundational mindsets critical to creating your practice. Move away from limiting beliefs to healthy, positive, abundance based beliefs. Uncover common roadblocks and see how to work with them. Module 2 What do You Stand For? Your why, your compass. Defining the Brand of YOU.
  • Niching down: Effectively identifying your magic power
  • What is your “position” in your market?
  • Look at the map: Choosing sources of income, how you will set up your practice, creating your personalized business model, determining what services to offer and how to frame them
Module 3 –  Pricing Your Services Module 4 –  Creating Your Offers Module 5 – How/Where to Serve Students
  • Locations? Home office, Rent office, Office shares, Online coaching, Home visits/mobile etc.
  • Intake methods
  • Collecting money
Module 6 – Building a Home for Your Business Online
  • Website development – Creating “must have pages” the right way: Homepage, About, Pricing/Services, Blog, etc.
  • Social Media – How to build your online presence authentically and manageably
  • IG, FB, youtube, podcasts, pinterest, etc.
  • Demystify other technical skills so you can have professional content
Module 7 – Marketing – Spreading the word effectively Module 8 – Filling your schedule, launch with a bang
  • Networking & outreach
  • Sales pages
  • Webinars
  • Public talks & collecting email addresses
  • Framing your messages
Module 9 – Passive Income: Using your talent to make income from different sources


Online via Zoom. As long as you have an internet connection, you can take this virtual course from anywhere.

How does it work?

There are 6 key components to the program:
  1. Live Master Classes: Weekly with Seth and/or Adrianne. We will be using these 2-3 hour classes to teach you, step by step, live via zoom.
  2. Homework: In-depth assignments you will use directly to build your business.
  3. Mastermind: You’ll have your own small group of 4-5 EdCoachU students to help you along the way. They will support you with encouragement, accountability and will help you get granular with your personalized strategy. You will build powerful relationships and friendships with these people, and some of them you may continue to keep as part of you business support system for years to come.
  4. Office Hours: Times to work with Adrianne and me on your personal questions.
  5. Facebook support group: Private for the cohort to support each other
  6. Bonus: Your own private MasterMind strategy sessions with Adrianne and me. You will receive 3 x 30 minute strategy session calls to get specific coaching based on your situation. We’ll help you break down your most pressing concerns and find solutions. People have blocks with technology, mindset, writing copy, funnels, etc.. We’re here to help with these details.
  7. Bonus #2: Live webinar: Exactly how I teach Executive Function skills to my clients
What do we think is the most special thing about EdCoachU? It’s about meeting other like-minded people, developing deep, supportive and lasting relationships with friends who will help you for many years. It’s about community. This isn’t just a how-to, it’s also going to create meaningful connections.

Tentative Schedule for Summer 2018 Session: 

This is an intensive 3-month course. It will demand time, energy and heart. We will get firm dates to you at the beginning of the course. Generally speaking, it will look like this:

  1. June 24, Sunday: Applications due
  2. June 25-27: Rapidfire Enrollment Interviews (10 min live interview with Adrianne & Seth to make sure this is the right match for you and us and so you can ask us any questions you still have)
  3. June 29, Friday: Payment #1 due for enrollees
  4. July 3, Tuesday, 10:00AM-1:00PM MST, Kickoff class: overview, mindset & getting started
  5. Tuesdays, 10:00AM-1:00PM MST: Live sessions with Seth and/or Adrianne via Zoom where we teach/coach the cohort
  6. Fridays or Saturdays, Mastermind sessions for support and accountability with your assignments (your group chooses the day and time, 1-2 hour blocks)
  7. Sundays, 5-6PM MST: Office Hours with Seth and/or Adrianne to help with anything you need (These are optional. There will be times you need the feedback.)
  8. Bonus: 3 Private strategy sessions for you, with us by appointment, to fit your schedule
  9. Bonus #2: Live webinar: Exactly how I teach Executive Function skills to my clients

How do I get started and how much does it cost?

  • One-time payment of $3500 (save $1000) or
  • Three installments of $1500
Guarantee: 100% Money back guarantee, no games. If it’s not working for you within the first 4 weeks for any reason, you’ll get your money back. Apply? If you read this page, watched the video above, and want to see if this is right for you:

Click here to apply now. 

About Adrianne

Adrianne Meldrum is the owner of Math for Middles, an online multisensory math tutoring center.  Her passion is to serve students who learn math differently than the mainstream and she is determined to make multisensory math available to students independent of their location.  She’s been tutoring privately since 2010 and brings a wealth of knowledge to EdCoachU. She excels at creating systems to better serve families and keep her sanity as she operates this rapidly changing business. She’s also known as the no-nonsense leader in the independent tutor community. She is famous for teaching tutors how to figure out exactly what to charge and find ways to make that happen, without selling your soul. Seth and I met over a year ago and discovered that we have a lot of complementary business skill sets. We’re thrilled to be bringing them to you!

“Seth has helped me to see, develop and value my strengths as a teacher and coach.  His experienced perspective has helped me to be more creative and intuitive in my approach to my students.  He has also encouraged me to buck the norms of the industry, and set up my offerings so that they work for me and for my students. Seth’s encouragement, advice, and inspiration have been invaluable to me as I develop my business as a freelancer and solopreneur.  His guidance has radically influenced the way that I value and market myself.  He sees the potential in all kinds of projects and possesses the vision to facilitate the process of bringing those ideas into fruition.  He has helped me to stay organized and realistic while staying connected to my larger, idealistic visions.  Seth’s perspective would be incredibly helpful to anyone, starting any type of business on their own, but particularly in education.” – Jenna Bee

“Seth has the talent of being able to see beyond the big picture. Then he hones in on what needs to be done in the now, and outlines action steps that allow for immediate return. He’s enthusiastic and supportive while being grounded in reality. Working with Seth I felt like I could see the connection between where I was and where I needed to go, and he helped me become very clear with what I needed to do next. On top of that he’s super nice, kind and compassionate with his feedback. I’m so glad I found him!” – Akemi Rico

“Seth asks the questions that lead me to answers I didn’t even realize I was seeking. He drew from his extensive experience and familiarity with multiple resources to lead me to my personal goals. Encouraging and inspiring with humor and warmth, Seth helped me express my unique talents in a way that is clear and marketable.” – Jennifer Delaney

“Seth is like a magician. He has clearly chosen to follow his purpose, and glows accordingly. I initially found him through his top-google ranking, and after reading his unique expertise and perspective through his blog articles, I knew that he was the one for my son. While maintaining the utmost professionalism, Seth was personable and dropped right in with our family to help us bust through barriers in a matter of hours. His kind honesty was just what my son (and I!) needed. As a fellow entrepreneur, I’ve felt as though Seth has left proverbial “breadcrumbs” for myself and so many other solopreneurs. He has modeled how to leverage essence through online and on-life communications. Whether coordinating a thought-leading meetup group (featuring renowned business experts) or developing revolutionary media content to change people’s lives, Seth knows what’s up. If you want to “up” your game by harnessing the power of your unique gifts, Seth will get you there.” – Lotus Sattva

“I got my diploma from Duke University; then I got my education from Seth Perler. I wished soooo much I’d found him while I was still in school – I didn’t know then they what he offers helps people in everyday life as much as it does students in an educational facility. It is fascinating!!! De-mystifying !! And best of all EMPOWERING !!!” – Julie Schmidt

Click here to apply now