Get 5 tools you can use this week to help turn it around in school (k-college)

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You certainly don’t need more resources that repel students.
You simply need outside-the-box solutions that work.
Sign up and I’ll send you my Student Success Video Toolkit.
I’ll send you 1 actionable video a day for 5 days and my weekly blog.
This mini-course has some of the most empowering tools I use to help my clients become confident & successful students.
You’ll learn about:
- What’s going on in the brain of a struggling student (Executive Function)
- Why binders are horrible for these kids and what to do about it
- The “secret systems” these kids need to succeed
- How to create a “sacred study space” that works
- Why a “daily plan” is crucial and how to do it right
- How disorganized kids should do “backpack overhaul”
- Homework, studying and grades that don’t reflect potential
- Organization and time management
- Focus, attention and the brain
- Procrastination, avoidance, resistance and motivation