College Coaching in Boulder

Note: Unfortunately, I do not have any more availability for college students for spring or summer 2020. Please read thoroughly before contacting me for a Meet & Greet. Summary: A robust, semester-long, comprehensive package designed to give struggling, Boulder area college students and their parents a solid foundation for success. This is an intensive program with a ton of support for college/graduate students who want to overhaul their systems and approaches to school and learn to deal with the unique challenges of college life. Who is it for? Boulder area college students who want to be more successful through building the right foundation in the skills, habits and mindsets. I spend a lot more time with my college students because of the big jump in responsibility that’s required for them to succeed. Where? Boulder area. My office is near 63rd and Valmont, click for map. Other relevant locations include home visits for students, campus meetings, coffee shops, zoom check-ins, etc.. Duration: One semester at a time. What you’ll learn: Students learn exactly how to tailor all of the systems they need for success. This includes:
  • How to work with the resistance that holds your child back
  • Planning effectively so they can manage the school workload
  • Time management and prioritizing
  • Organizing and managing schoolwork effectively
  • Study skills – How to study, write papers, complete homework realistically
  • Being honest with oneself about challenge areas and the consequences of inaction
  • Advocating for oneself proactively with teachers
  • Being forthcoming and honest with parents
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Dealing with challenging social circumstances
  • Regulating emotional overwhelm
  • Learning the right mindsets, unlearning excuses
  • Creating habits and routines for school success
  • Parents learn how to support their child more effectively
How it works and what’s included? This program is designed to be comprehensive.
  • 1:1 coaching – At my office, the student’s residence, or other convenient meeting places. 1:1 time is critical in the coaching process so we can address the unique needs of an individual. I do a lot of 1:1 sessions with my college students. Whatever it takes.
  • Systems – Learn the systems and strategies that all students need to succeed in school.
  • Parent strategy sessions – How to support your unique child.
  • SNO – I teach college students how to do Sunday Night Overhauls, which is critical for maintaining systems. Often students aren’t in the habit of maintaining their systems, so things continue to fall apart. Learning to do regular overhauls is key.
  • Regular accountability check-ins – Via text, phone, Skype or live, depending on the student. I am in regular contact with my college students, helping them a lot with accountability because the expectations of college are more than they are used to.
  • Tutoring – I tutor math, writing, science and history. I sometimes have other tutors on-hand at the office for extra support.
  • Home Visits – This is where I help them optimize a Sacred Study Space and work on routines, as well as tackle any other projects that they want to work on.
  • Advocacy/emails – I support college students with advocacy emails and effective correspondence with professors and TAs. This is an absolutely critical skill for college students to learn to do proactively.
  • Full Access to Me – Phone, text, Skype, email. I’m available to you 24/7. Ok, that’s a bit hyperbolic; I do have a life. But reach out any time and I’ll be with you soon.
  • Emergency calls – Help when students need it the most. I’m available via phone, email, text, Skype. I often do a lot of urgent calls with college students at the end of the semester when things pile up at the last minute.
  • College-specific issues – College is a new world. The expectations are very different, and so are the experiences. I guide my college students exhaustively through how to navigate things like this:
    • How to handle the massively increased responsibility.
    • How to manage all sorts of life skills, like grocery shopping, cleaning, paying bills, getting college materials.
    • How to schedule time when there is no schedule.
    • How to be realistic about the gravity of college work. My college students are usually completely unrealistic about the amount of time and focus it takes to read college textbooks, to write college-level papers and to study for college exams.
    • How to deal maturely with the massive exposure to parties, drugs and people who are bad influences and who are happy to drag others down with them.
    • How to communicate honestly and openly with parents.
    • How to create study groups and other forms of accountability.
    • How to read through syllabi and structure study time to account for classes where there are fewer graded items that are weighted much more heavily.
How do I get started and how much is it? 
  1. Be sure you read this page thoroughly so you understand exactly how the program works.
  2. Contact me here for the Enrollment Application and to set up a free 30-minute Meet & Greet in-person or online. No obligation whatsoever. No pressure. It’s a relaxed opportunity for us to get to know each other and see if it’s the right fit.

Calendar Notes:
  • 1:1 Coaching
    • Each semester I schedule numerous 1:1 sessions with my college students to work on systems, home visits to set up study spaces and help with organization, meetings on campus for all sorts of support, meetings at coffee shops for studying, extra meetings at the office for school work, etc.. I often do skype checkins with my college students. I also tend to do a lot of skype editing of papers with college students.
  • SNO, Sunday Night Overhauls:
    • College students are required to be at my office every Sunday night as early as 6pm.
    • 6:30-9:00pm: Students work on closing out the prior week and prepping for the upcoming week. This includes critical habits such as effectively updating planners, reorganizing school materials precisely, checking the portal thoroughly, dealing with the inbox, as well as focus time for studying and homework.
    • Students may bring food and may leave early if they finish early. I often order food for students.
    • When your student has a big paper or exam, I stay late for them as needed.
  • OGN, Open Gym Nights:
    • Open Gym Nights are on most Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm.
    • Students must attend at least one OGN per week, preferably 2-3 nights.
    • This is an open time for students to come in for coaching, homework and studying.
    • Students may arrive at any time within the time window.
    • I am there early and stay late when students need me.
  • Parent Meetings: I require parents of college students to meet with me 2-3 times during the semester, to touch base proactively as well as to discuss strategies for supporting your child and addressing the concerns you have about your child. This is usually online since most college parents are out of town, but sometimes we meet when parents are visiting.
  • Student 1:1 coaching: I schedule numerous 1:1 sessions with my college students throughout the semester to address the vast amount of issues they are working with.


“Seth Perler is OUTSTANDING in every way! He’s smart, insightful, solution-oriented, organized, resourceful, intuitive, compassionate, creative, energetic, enthusiastic, deeply committed to his work and very wise. Seth has a deep understanding of children and families and knows how to motivate his clients to readily move forward in their lives in very significant ways. He has the wonderful ability to be able to be empathic and reassuring while simultaneously challenging his clients in the most positive of ways to tackle previously daunting obstacles. Seth is kind and generous and able to set the constructive, motivating limits and expectations that foster tremendous growth. I highly recommend Seth, without reservation. He’s the best of the best!!” – Karen, mom of CU college student and psychologist in New Jersey
Before working with Seth I was studying for most of the day, every day, with little results to reflect my effort. As my second semester at CU was ending I felt I wasn’t cut out for school and was debating dropping out of college. Fortunately, my mother convinced me to work with Seth and give school 1 more shot. I’m glad. The difference is undeniable and the study skills, priceless. From time management to study space dedication/set up, as well as study techniques that commit the information to memory over time rather than cramming 3 days before an exam. My stress decreased drastically, I was able to enjoy life and do well in school, my GPA improved from a 2.4 to a 3.6 the first semester.  Now I enjoy the school experience!” (Since then, Nick has found his passion and is actually a TA for one of his professors.) -Nick B., CU Student
Sarah absolutely aced this day! I am sitting back in wonderment! She attributes her success to you! Normally, she’d be crying, frustrated, overwhelmed, and angry. Instead, she was quite calm! She took that in stride, I was so impressed with her! I said, “How does it feel?” She said, “Norma!!” Go Sara!

So much mastery…time management, dealing with directions, trying new things, getting to her job in a timely manner!

I said, “Wow! So much executive skill went into making this day work! What do you think enabled you to be so successful and on top of things?!” She said, “Seth!”

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m so thrilled for her (and for me) to see her starting to take charge and function more age appropriately in her life. She’s proud of herself, and rightfully so!  Thank you so much for all your help to date! -Karin A., a mom from Brookside, NJ

A bit over two years ago my daughter was entering her third year at the University of Colorado. She is very bright, creative and thoughtful but was struggling with meeting the academic requirements needed to finish school. She had failed several classes and been on and off probation a couple of times. Therapy had helped somewhat but the results were short-lived. She wanted to do better but lacked the organizational skills and focus necessary to fulfill the demands of school.

As parents, we struggled with what direction would be most beneficial for her. I am a clinical psychologist but knew the advantages of good hands-on coaching. I called several therapists in the Boulder area to see if they did coaching. Most did not, but one therapist, Heidi Wilson recommended a coach. That was Seth.I happened to be in Boulder, so I was at the initial meeting that Seth had with my daughter. In her words, “he got me right away.” He spoke to us in a calm and clear way about his plans to help her succeed. She was excited about tackling school again for the first time in years. Together they came up with strategies that helped her to focus and take pride, not only in her academics but in her surroundings. Seth is on top of what needs to be done and the most efficient ways to tackle and complete tasks. His techniques and follow up procedures are outstanding. Over the course of the last two years, she hit some stumbles. The most impressive attribute of Seth is his steadfast dedication. He has never given up on our daughter, even when she has become overwhelmed and wanted to give up. He has taught her to believe in herself. She is now graduating and will walk in the December ceremony. Seth will be with us at the graduation and share the pride that we all feel. She could not have done it without him. -Bonnie, parent of a CU student from LA – Update: Bonnie’s daughter has since graduated, is working a job she loves and is looking at grad schools!
I got my diploma from Duke University; then I got my education from Seth Perler. All my life I’ve have been strongly drawn to learning new things in general – eager, and inquisitive. All my life I’ve ended up banging my head against the wall & finishing with little new understanding, or not finishing at all. Then one day I got a hold of Seth’s business card. The back of the card offered the VERY thing I’ve always known I needed to be able to learn and always knew was possible, but was so out of the box, it didn’t exist yet, and I could not find it.  I wished soooo much I’d found him while I was still in school – I didn’t know then they what he offers helps people in everyday life as much as it does students in an educational facility. Then about four months later, frustrated trying to read material for a new job, I called him on the phone & in 5 minutes he told me 3 things that instantly made my task lighter. I made an appointment to check it out further.  The 1st one is free! The 1st time I met with him I learned some major concepts about how I think, and how to work with how I think.  The benefits of that lesson are still growing even now, 1 year later.  It enabled me to read effectively, approach new information successfully, present my thoughts to different thinkers clearly,  and even help me and my fiancé understand how to approach each other in a way that vastly improved out communication, and inevitably, our entire relationship. He explained the common origin of many failings in my life to be a factor only of my approach, to which, thanks to Seth, I am no longer limited. I have put this into practice and am still amazed every time!! I continue to naturally use the info from Seth as a filter as I experience the world and my understanding of it, and constantly grow in the depth of this ability because of it. It’s so interesting and widely applicable that I sometimes bring his stuff up while socializing, and everyone around so far has wanted me “to do them” (meaning apply his stuff to each individual). It is fascinating!!! De-mystifying!! And best of all EMPOWERING!!! Don’t waste another minute, call him!!!! Very sincerely, Julie Schmidt