Palooza Bonus
Seth Perler’s Executive Function Bonus
Hi from Seth! Thanks for joining us for the Women’s ADHD Palooza.
- This is a secret page on my site just for you and it contains your bonus content from me.
- I thought a lot about what could benefit you, and I decided that there are 2 big things that could really help on your journey.
- I’ve also added you to get my email updates Sundays at 3pm, so no need to subscribe.
This will clearly describe the process of how I help people create massive change in their lives, so YOU can have an excellent model to apply to your life.
VIDEO TRAINING #2: The Absolute Essentials of Daily Planning
This teaches how I teach daily planning and why I do it the way I do. If you struggle to get important things done, do not underestimate the power of this training.
- PDF: Executive Function Roadmap A to B. Download & print here
- PDF: Iceberg Theory. Download & print here
- PDF: Daily Plan template to teach you HOW to develop planning skills. Download dailyPlan
As an additional bonus, I added big discounts for two things you may benefit from:
- TEFOS: 50% off TEFOS 2020: The Executive Function Online Summit. Use Coupon Code: PAZ2021
- EF101: 50% off my EF101 program for parents/teachers. Use Coupon Code: PAZ2021
Seth Perler
ps – if you like my work, please share it far and wide!
Learn more about Executive Function
EF101, A Crash Course in Executive Function
GET EF101TEFOS, Executive Function Summit