Search Results for: advocacy

B2S The Truth About School Supplies Lists

Please CLICK above to share.  It’s that time of year again, back to school shopping. K-College, your child needs supplies. But what do they really need to buy? What goes to waste and what’s most beneficial? Sometimes it’s best to take supply lists with a grain of salt in favor of getting items that […]

Is my Child Twice Exceptional or 2e? [The Ultimate Guide]

Before we begin On a personal note, I absolutely love working with 2e, twice-exceptional kids. I often say, “the more complex the kid, the better”, because 2e kids are truly the most interesting people I know. They tend to be intellectually deep, incredibly creative, emotionally intense, quirky, and when they get their educational needs met, they […]

How to Find an Executive Function or ADHD Coach

Click here to watch a more recent video on this topic. I often get emails like the following, asking for how to find a coach: I need an Executive Skills Coach for my child who is resistant to any help, but starting to realize that she needs it as she is about to start high […]

High schooler gives up [includes email template to send teachers]

Here’s a real email one of my students sent his mom last week: Ok. I have given it everything and i have nothing I can do. My 100% just isn’t good enough to pass. It is too late to do anything. There goes that trip. I’m done. There are so many kids with EF challenges […]

Content Index

I built this index so you can find helpful answers on my site fast. YouTube – ShineOn Education Channel – Check it out and subscribe. Great place to search my helpful videos and videos I love from other experts, that will help you help struggling students. Student resources: Videos I made especially for STUDENTS Videos I made for PARENTS […]

Boulder, Colorado Area Education Resources (Santa Monica, CA too)

Boulder, CO Area Education Resources High Schools Boulder High School, Public – As “A Place for Everyone,” Boulder High School has a staff that is committed to uncovering, sharpening, and supporting the development ​of our students’ rich talents. Aim is to produce graduates who are not only prepared intellectually for their futures but also have […]

[Podcast] 7 Systems Outside-the-box Learners Desperately Need

Background I created this article and PDF – Student Systems Assessment for teachers and parents, to accompany the podcast interview of me by Jennifer Gonzalez. We dove deep into some great tips that will help you help your struggling students. Jennifer’s education podcast is called The Cult of Pedagogy and it’s perfect for any teacher or parent […]

The Holy Grail: Executive Function

Note: This SOS article is a must read for all parents of struggling students. It’s DENSE, so only read it when you have 10 minutes to soak it in. By the time you’re done, you’ll see your kid in a new light. Oh, and please leave your comment when you’re done.  One day I had an epiphany I had […]

12 Big Mistakes Students Make in September

It’s early in the school year, the buzz of the first couple weeks has worn off, and habits begin to set in. Some are good, some not so good. The habits a student practices in September set the tone for the rest of the semester (and often the rest of the school year). The Pattern Unfortunately many […]