UGYG Choose from 2 options
(1) Independent Study: $697 >>> Click to enroll <<<
- Fall 2020 self-paced program
- Robust, full semester-long online program. Video course with 34 incredible lessons covering all critical topics.
- Downloadable support PDFs throughout the course
- 18 Lessons just for parents, to help you help your child with confidence
- Money back guarantee
- BONUS Date TBA for fall 2020, 3:30 pm MST Parent Ask me Anything Office Hours
- BONUS Date TBA for fall 2020 4:30 pm MST Student “Touch-Up” session to serve as a pep-talk for students during The DIP to help keep the momentum going and refine core concepts. Followed by Q&A.
(2) Group Study: Enrollment ended for Fall 2020
Enrollment for Fall 2020 Momentum Group is now closed
- Robust, full semester-long online program. Video course with 34 incredible lessons covering all critical topics.
- Downloadable support PDFs throughout the course
- 18 Lessons just for parents, to help you help your child with confidence
- Money back guarantee
- BONUS “Touch up” live webinar midway through the semester to help keep the momentum going and refine core concepts.
- BONUS Mindfulness for emotional regulation, live parent webinar.
- Plus: Exclusive parent Facebook group for support
- Plus: 4 Monthly live coaching calls for parents in a group online(these will be recorded in case you can’t make it)
- Plus: 4 Monthly live coaching “office hours” for students in a group online (these will be recorded in case you can’t make it)
- Extra Bonus: A 1-hour 1:1 live video strategy session with me and you/your child to use any time during the semester.
- See complete program details and calendar here
Questions? Email