Down to the wire – How to pull it together at the end of the school year

Please CLICK above to share. As far as the school year is concerned, it’s down to the wire, the pressure is on, the stakes are high. Just a couple more weeks and school is out. If students don’t pull it together right now, they will end up retaking classes, going to summer school, missing graduation requirements, etc.. I know because I see the exact same patterns every year. Struggling students are swimming upstream, overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, don’t know how to study effectively, and they see the finish line closing in. How can we help them? In this video I will teach you about how I help students pull it together when it’s down to the wire.

Here are the main tips I mention:

  1. Schedule study sessions with strong students.
  2. Check your online grades daily during this time of the semester to avoid any surprises.
  3. Send proactive emails to teachers to ask how you’re doing and if there’s anything you need to do.
  4. Advocate by going to office hours.
  5. Study for finals multiple times, not just the night before.
  6. Chunk projects similarly. Do them in stages, not the night before. Same with writing papers.
  7. Ask for help. Ask parents, teachers, tutors, friends to help you. If you are forgetful, ask these people to bug you and make sure you get things in.
  8. Eliminate distractions. Use web page blockers, turn off your phone when you study, close the door, etc..
  9. Set small goals and just keep “chipping away.”
  10. Clean up your Sacred Study Space. Make it conducive to focusing.
  11. Set boundaries with people who you get distracted by.
  12. Breathe!

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Video transcript:

Hey, everybody would stop it stop the stuff and I’m glad your ear and it is down to the wire again. Okay, it is the end of the school year. If you are a middle school or high school or college student and you’re a bit stressed out and you’re someone who whose school is not necessarily your Forte this video is for you. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to tell you about some of the things that might students go through at the end of the school year and give you a couple of ideas on what you can do to make this end of the school year go live it more smoothly. So I generally work with middle school high school and college student and all of my students struggle with school and one way or another and what tends to happen with a lot of students is that at the end of the school year right now, we just got a couple week. things can fall apart fast now explain why teachers often are doing their grades at the end of the year and anything that’s turned in late. They have two great and they have to go through everything that turn in late from all their students and some of these teachers have over a hundred students. So they’re like really backlogged with with catching up with their work mean while trying to finish out their year plan their lessons give their final assignments and often at the end of the year. There are a couple of big things papers. Test midterm test exam and project papers test in project. So your papers that are do it. If you wait till the last minute that put you in a very tight position because then if you don’t finish or if you forget to turn it in that can turn a grade of an A B C or D into an F very easily final exam. If you don’t study for them and you think you can just study the night before the morning up or you think you got it and you failed that exam that can make you fail the class and then project off of projects are due right up at the end of the year, and if you don’t get the project done or forget to turn it in. Well, there you go. There’s another opportunity for a nap in to bring the grade down. So if you’re kind of a borderline student and you have a CD or an F anyway, and you’re really depending on this last bit of time to be able to get your grade up, you have to be extra extra careful and you have to work extra hard to get this stuff done. So I just see it a lot and it’s really hard to watch a lot of my students in a lot of students in this place right now where it’s the end of the year. They my students often tend to be very unrealistic. They have the option of how much effort or how much time something take so it’s crunch-time right and things get really tight and And it becomes more and more and more overwhelming and things get a boy didn’t more and more and then you can get into bad position. Now the consequences of this are often the following one it if you fail a class is taking summer school to is that you fail a class having to retake it another year. You don’t want to have to put the another semester is worth of energy into this class. So you can just really focused on what you have to do in the next week or so. Please do that. Turn your video games off for the next week turn the cell phone off like really get your study area ready. So anyhow, it’s big as get back to things that you can do. Those are some things you can do one turn cell phone off when you’re setting To use an internet blocker and block websites that that you get to stack a bike 3 tell people to not distract you. Tell your friend. Hey, I got to focus. I got to set a boundary not your brain. Your adolescent brain is not wired for prioritizing. Okay. Just accept that you like. Okay. I’m not great at prioritizing but right now is the time to do it. I’m going to tell my friends to not bother me right now. I have to focus make study group with friends that are strong student have times with them some studying to do homework is that your stuff and make sure that where you study is actually conducive to study. It should not have distractions. You may need to really do a good modification find a good place in the house where you can actually study make it happen. It’ll take you some time, but you got to do that. So This is the time and do whatever you need to do. Like if the teacher gives you a study guide use that I do not wait till the last minute you want to study multiple times that you wanted to study for 3 hours for an exam. It’s much better that you split that into 630 minutes segment over 6 days and 3 hours a night before because 3 hours a night before will not get it into long-term memory. But if you break it off, you’ll get much more into long-term memory. So like I said, it is down to the wire and I want to tell you where this word down to the wire comes from so in horse racing long time ago before they were able to have the technology to be able to see everything clearly. They would have judges who would watch the horse race and then be able to see which horse went across the Finish Line first very hard to see because when people stood in different places it appeared that different horses. Different time depending on where you were positioned. So there’s the finish line, but it was very hard to see cuz they’re running so fast. So what they did is they had to finish line and then they had a wire that went way above the heads of the horses in the race and then the judges could stand by the wire and look down the wire to see which horse crossed first. So when it’s down to the wire that that means that’s a metaphor for things are kidding really tight. It’s really close. It’s a high high pressure situation and the the consequences are very high. So I just want to encourage you I know that you’re stressed. Okay, take a breath make some lip get it out of your head and onto paper what you need to do to take time to get organized ask for help ask parents and tutors at teachers. You can write letters to teachers proactively right now saying hey the end of the year do I have anything that I’m missing that’s going to really affect my grade that lie you’re being proactive teachers really really respond to that and it go into office hours do anything you need to do to advocate for yourself so that you don’t have to be in the situation of getting your grades in a couple weeks something. Oh my gosh. How did I fail that class what happened there? And then next thing, you know, you’re in summer school or retaking the class or whatever you put all this effort into this semester and you have to redo your effort. So you got this take it a day at a time little chunk at a time one little thing at a time get Focus as focused as you can eliminate. And just put forward you got this. I know you do if I could figure this stuff out when I finally ended up figuring out anybody can so please use this advice that will help. You. Have a good end of the year and then have an awesome summer. I hope you have a great summary can really relax. Take care.