with Seth

How do you want to work with me?

Coaching. Community. Courses. Workshops. Keynotes.

Learn unconventional strategies that actually get results, so you can effectively support a student, instead of helplessly watching them drown in school. Let’s help neurodivergent students with “Executive Function” challenges navigate a baffling educational landscape, so they can build a bright future.
2. Get Coaching
Get big results with coaching and support from me, and learn from our phenomenal community of compassionate families & educators.
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2. U pGrade Y our G rades
An in-depth, semester-long, online course to teach my Executive Function coaching methods to students and parents. GROUP: There is a live group option, working directly with me.
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1.Take A Course
Learn my Executive Function coaching methods, step-by-step, for students, parents, or professionals.​
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Who is Seth?

I'm Seth Perler, former teacher turned Executive Function Expert Nerd. I help complicated kids learn how awesome they are, and create breakthroughs to help change their trajectory … for good.

I teach parents and educators how to use my innovative, non-traditional approaches to help kids boost their Executive Function skills.

And I get it firsthand because I’ve been there (see my story), and have helped thousands of parents and teachers learn what works, despite all the outdated educational fluff floating around.

I taught for 12 years, have a Master’s of Gifted Education, and since 2010, have worn a lot of hats in the Executive Function, ADHD, 2e, and Neurodiversity worlds:

  • Speaker: Educator. Consultant. Advocate. Education Rabble-Rouser.
  • EF Coach & Course Creator: For Students, Parents, and Professionals.
  • Content Creator: Here’s my YouTube, and I’m on a bunch of podcasts.
  • Summit: I run, featuring the best experts around!