Debbie Reber from the TILT podcast shares her wisdom

Please CLICK above to share. Today I’m excited to have my favorite podcaster, Debbie Reber of the TILT podcast, on a quick video sharing some of the wisdom she’s learned from interviewing countless people who have dedicated their lives to helping differently wired kids. I have a ton of respect for how Debbie contributes to the world of education. If you’re not subscribed to her updates, you can sign up here on her site. She is one of the very few that I follow consistently because she simply does a phenomenal job creating massively valuable episodes. Thanks for all you do for families Debbie! Our conversation was cut short from technical issues, but Debbie and I decided it turned out perfectly! ps – I’ve been to the World Domination Summit many times and it’s a big part of my journey into developing my life’s work helping kids who struggle with EF.
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Video transcript:

That’s cool. Hey, what’s up everybody to come and Debbie Reber from TilT podcast here. He could play Hello louder. We’re here in Portland, Oregon. We are both at the world domination Summit, which is a fantastic Conference of creative. injectors Austin Peay and we fortunately get the meat for the first time ever cuz we’ve known each other online and we’ve done a lot of podcast from stuff together and it’s awesome to meet that be so I had a question for Debbie that I wanted to post where the block today and that we had the opportunity to interview. So many people about differently wired kid, and I think it’s really amazing when somebody gets to have so much experience in Sword of exploring 1 questions on my my question to Debbie is what is one of the most important things you could ever tell parents or differently wired kids to help them help their kids for their kids. What do they need to know? What have you learned from all these people? Oh my gosh, you can totally overwhelming question cuz I thought I had I thought I had an answer now. Okay. So here’s what I would say through the conversations. I have at least something that sticks with me and it always comes back to respecting who that child is respecting their timeline respecting them as them being exactly who they’re supposed to be in this world respecting them as an autonomous being and that article is to guide them and help them become their bed though. It’s not to have them behave better. It’s not too. I mean that would be great but it’s not about controlling their Journey or having this look the way we wanted to look at about respecting who they are accepting who they are and I think but that Pete that word respect is the thing for me that is been a guiding principle and and all the people that I interview, you know, whatever the tips are. It really does. Come down to two that work and I think it’s such an important value and it can really shift everything in our relationship for their child when we approach the relationship through that lens.