ICD Secret Page

Hello ICD coaches from Seth Perler! Thank you for being of service to people who desperately need you to help with organization. And thanks to ICD for the honor of sharing my unconventional approach. I hope it helped you.
Discounts What is UGYG? UpgrAde Your Grades, is a semester-long, in-depth online program I made just for struggling students and their parents, to help them learn exactly how to turn it around and succeed in school! Click here to see The UGYG program Use this UGYG Discount Link – Here’s the $100 discount link to the shopping cart for ICD folks. What is EF101? EF101 is a crash course all about how Executive Function challenges can impact students and how adults can help.  Click here to see the EF101 course description Then click here for the secret discount link, $49 instead of $197 (it’s currently on sale for $97 because I haven’t even told my audience about it formally) What is TEFOS? TEFOS is The Executive Funciton Online Summit I ran this year. Almost 10,000 families worldwide attended to hear 24 experts speak all about EF and how to help kids. It was amazing. The recorded summit is for sale for $199 but if you want a discounted price of $149, please email me. Click here to learn more about TEFOS
Free Resources Get Free updates & Free Student Success Course – Here’s my homepage, where you can sign up for my free Sunday blog updates and an awesome free video Student Success Toolkit mini-course I made for students & parents. Daily Plan: Print and use this Daily Plan PDF: DailyPlanSethPerler SNO: Here’s how to do the SNO Sunday Night Overhaul PDF: SundayNightOverhaul.SethPerler Systems Cheatsheet: Here’s the Student Success Systems CheatSheet and Assessment PDF. Try it every 2-3 weeks to see your progress and areas to work on: StudentSuccessSystemsCheatSheetSethPerler