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New to my site? Start with these…

My True Story – Bio: My struggles as a student and how I overcame them. Executive Function – Why EF is the most important thing parents and teachers must understand, but don’t. 2e / Twice-exceptional – Find out if your child is 2e and how to support 2e learners. Advocacy Letter Example – How to write a letter to a teacher to advocate for your child. Podcast – A podcast episode & PDF resource. Parents and teachers rave about this one – it’s packed with actionable tips. YouTube – My YouTube channel with tons of helpful videos. You can subscribe there too- it helps my channel grow. Facebook Page – Follow my Facebook page. Facebook Private Group – Did you know I have a private Facebook group of active parents? Click here to request access.

My offerings:

Online Program – For students who need executive function coaching in order to become successful in school. Coaching – Learn about Executive Function coaching for struggling students. Speaking – Have me speak or run a workshop for conferences, schools or parents groups. Become an Education Coach – Have me coach you A-Z on how to create your own successful micro-business serving the kids you were “meant” to help. Testimonials My professional background – My unconventional idea of a resume Santa Monica, California Area Education Resource Page – Click HERE Recommendations: Sites and resources I recommend frequently – Click HERE

Stuff that isn’t related to education:

Your Privacy – My unconventional privacy policy. Now – A personal look at what I’m up to right now.