Category: Uncategorized

🧠 3 ways to “IMPROVE” Executive Function & ADHD

Parents & Teachers, here are the 3 ways to “IMPROVE” Executive Function & ADHD. I made this video because I often hear the question, “how can i help my child improve their ef?” Understanding these 3 ways can really impact how you help the kids in your life.

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
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🧠 Parents, Why Executive Function is a QUALITY of LIFE issue.

Parents & Teachers, EF is literally a quality of life issue, so it’s essential that we take it seriously, and learn the basics. Here’s a great refresher or an overview for those who are new to EF. I break it down VERY clearly!

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 School Refusal – how to help? (Executive Function, ADHD, Neurodivergence, 2e / Twice Exceptional)

Last week in ​EF-Lab​, a parent asked about their 17 year old son who is struggling to get up and go to school. The student doesn’t know what is making it hard, likes the school, teachers say he’s fine at school, and the parents are asking the school for learning support for EF skill building. In this video I’ll break down 1 of the many strategies we covered, so you might be able to adapt it!

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 Parents, WHY even get an Executive Function Coach? And HOW to do it right???

Parents & Educators, why might you even want to get an EF coach for a child who is struggling to manage school an life??? Here I give you 3 great reasons WHY, and 3 solid tips for HOW.

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 Make Writing Essays WAY Easier, 5th-College (Executive Function, ADHD,Neurodivergence, 2e)

Parents, teachers, students, Here’s an in depth and crazy useful vlog outlining a key strategy for HOW I help students make writing essays and papers easier, WHILE saving tons of time.

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 “My son failed ALL of his classes” (Executive Function, ADHD, 2e, NeuroDivergence)

NEW VLOG: This one is about a recent email I received, and what you can take away from it to help your child: “For the first time, my son failed all of his classes (and had no clue because his portal showed passing grades until after they closed) and so now the school is finally willing to do an IEP. The teacher that was on the team advocated. He’s going to get the resources he needs before heading off to high school next year.”

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 How to motivate a procrastinator (Executive Function, ADHD, 2e, Neurodivergence)

Parents, & Educators, this vid is about How to motivate a procrastinator. “Unmotivated” kids are often very misunderstood, and here I break down why that is and how to help.

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 3 Ways ADHD & Executive Function Make Holidays Difficult for Kids & Families, AND HOW to help!

Parents, the holiday season is often a difficult time for a lot of families. Here I’ll give you very specific ways to support your child with executive function challenges so everyone can have a less stressful holiday season, as well as a MORE connected and fun time!

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
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✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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πŸ“Why Parents SHOULD email Teacher before winter break AND what to say (Executive Function, ADHD, 2e)

Parents, things can fall apart FAST at the end of the semester, and this video shares specifically how to support your child…

I hope it’s helpful, and if you like it, please SHARE my work, SUBSCRIBE, and leave YOUR thoughts in the COMMENTS!

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
πŸ‘‰ SHARE: To support my work, please share my work far and wide. Thanks!
✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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🧠 How students can get caught up over break?! (Executive Function, ADHD, 2e / Twice Exceptional)

Parents & Teachers, it’s no secret that most students with ADHD and Executive Function challenges think they will get caught up on a bunch of late, missing or incomplete work over fall break. Umm, it rarely happens! But if you want to know what actually does help, this video is for you because I outline the process VERY clearly and simply.

I hope it’s helpful, and if you like it, please SHARE my work, SUBSCRIBE, and leave YOUR thoughts in the COMMENTS!

🧠 Free Executive Function Event
πŸ‘ My YouTubeSee my official channel. Please subscribe, like, & comment to support my work.
πŸ‘‰ SHARE: To support my work, please share my work far and wide. Thanks!
✏️ EF101Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers..
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