2021 Vlog Roundup

Hi Parents, Teachers, Therapists, others! Wow, 2021 was an interesting year to say the least. The world has changed a lot, and I created a lot of content that is relevant no matter what. Here is a roundup from 2021 that you can scan through to find vlogs you want to revisit, or vlogs you missed. Enjoy, and may 2022 be full of good for you and yours, Seth Perler
  • How Self-Care is DIFFERENT for kids vs adults: “Self-care” is a term that can be confusing because different people define it differently. BUT there are some IMPORTANT things to consider that are useful when parents and teachers are trying to be helpful to their students. Here I give you a simple way of conceptualizing it, so you have a clear context to go from.
  • Why this Temperature Check strategy improves listening, and WHY it matters: One of the most important things about helping students with Executive Functioning (or anything for that matter) is for us to continue building listening skillsets. Here I share how I use TEMPERATURE CHECKS so you can apply it and help your student feel more heard. Most importantly, this empowers us to be much more helpful to our students.
  • How a LOCKER DUMP can make school easier: For disorganized students, doing a periodic Locker Dump can help make everything easier. Here I tell a few tips about HOW to approach it and WHY it’s so helpful.
  • How to not Fail classes- What to email Teachers late in a semester?: A lot of students FAIL right at the END of a semester, and there is a lot we can do to help support them if we know HOW to be proactive. Here I break down HOW to email teachers at the end of a semester if you are trying to support a struggling student. I share one of my actual templates and tell about the nuances that matter.
  • Better Student Habits?: Changing habits is SO incredibly challenging for people with executive function challenges. Students often have the goal of “improving grades”, but don’t always connect the dots that changing the habits is exactly what will get the grade to improve. So the “goal” isn’t really the grade, it’s the change in habits! This video breaks down how you can make a custom habit tracker to help you.
  • How Schools Can Improve: As we know, the “system” is unbelievably behind when it comes to serving neurodiverse kids. So what do we do about it? We know things aren’t going to change anytime soon, but we have kids who need the right help NOW. In this video I scratch the surface on what I think is absolutely the #1 most important thing we “should” change. Hopefully you’ll get some good ideas from it that you can use to support your children/students now.
  • INTROVERTS: How to support with Executive Function, ADHD, 2e: I have had so many questions over the years about how to support introverts with executive function, that I made this video to discuss some good strategies I use. One common question I get is “what if my child/student doesn’t talk much, but I need to know things so I can help???
  • Forgetful much? Here’s a tip that works: ADHDers often forget stuff!! Here’s something that I do and teach my students that saves me a lot of frustration.
  • Do your grades stink? Is the DIP happening?: If your grades fall every semester, it will not fix itself, but the good new is that there is a DIP PATTERN that is predictable. This means that you can do a lot about it, to make your life easier and get more out of education.
  • Teacher Calendar Tips: TEACHERS (parents, you’ll like this one), the stuff you post online for kids NEEDS WORK! Please check this out to see how you can make life easier for everyone with an executive function friendly calendar. And seriously, we do appreciate you teachers!
  • 12 core strategies for ADULT ADHD & Executive Function (Tips to live by): In this video you get my 12 core strategies, because I always get emails FROM ADULTS asking how to apply strategies to adults with ADHD or Executive Function challenges. You might want to take a few notes.
  • Kids are behind. HOW can we help?: All kids are learning less lately, and the racial and socioeconomic inequality gap is even bigger! And Executive Functioning challenges make the impact even bigger still! Should we depend on schools to fill in the gaps? Here I offer several unconventional yet practical actions we can take to help kids.
  • Are You Your Kid’s ALARM CLOCK?!?!:WHEN can we let kids “Fail Safe? When is it rescuing? Enabling? Saving? Maladaptive? Helping too much or not enough? Here I explain several core concepts to empower you.
  • What ADHD support should PARENTS ask TEACHERS for?: In this video I break down the ideas you might want to know to help your child get the support they need.
  • Are there good APPs for Executive Function? Parents & Teachers want to know: Here I give a quick deep dive into what you need to know.
  • When nothing works! Parents who tried everything with few results, Executive Function: When parents try everything and nothing seems to help or work, it can feel incredibly frustrating, like you are spinning your wheels. Here I dive into some key insights that might help.
  • I’m Worried For Our Kids:* THIS fall I’m concerned about how we are going to support our kids in such a divided world. I worry that there are going to be a lot of unforeseen problems this fall and that if we DON’T proactively think about this, that we are increasing the problems our kids will experience. On the other hand, if we DO PROACTIVELY start living in the solution, we will be able to support our kids better! Here I outline several ways to help.
  • How to make an Executive Function Friendly Home for this fall: In this video, Sarah Kesty of The Executive Function Podcast and I discuss several excellent ideas about how to make an “Executive Function Friendly Home”. Doing this makes it much easier for your child to manage life.
  • Can ADHD people MEDITATE?: Meditation has been the BEST thing for adhd/ef ever, because it helps me manage my attention/focus, and as a result, I have a better life in multiple areas.
  • Emotional Regulation & Executive Function: Emotional Regulation is part of executive function, and it’s important because the better a child can regulate/manage emotions, the more they will be aware of what works and what doesn’t work. This means that they will be able to process emotions rather than avoid and distract in unhealthy ways. This is a quality of life issue. Here are 8 tools that will help in this video.
  • The #1 Executive Function skill that SHOULD be used over Summer Break?:Parents, what’s the #1 Executive Function skill that SHOULD be used over Summer Break? By the end of this video you’ll know what it is, WHY it’s important and HOW to support your child. Teachers, you might like this one as well.
  • Students: How to plan summer EVEN IF you hate planning:The problem is that summer goes by in the blink of an eye, and many students miss out on things they wanted to do because they didn’t plan well. I get it! And here is HOW you can get started planning, even if you hate planning, and it’s pretty easy too.
  • Trauma & Executive Functioning, how does it impact EF?: In this video I respond to the email with some good background, followed by 3 insights to help you help your child.
  • Teachers, are you “GRADING” right?: Wowwwwww teachers, it’s been a crazy year. And you still have to “grade” kids, and those grades may impact the kids. So what is in the HIGHEST GOOD??? Here I make a plea for how to consider this bizarre year and how to “grade” your students.)
  • What is Executive Function?: What the heck IS Executive Function? This quick video will teach you the basics so you get it 🙂 You’ll know what it is, why it matters and 8 specific executive functions.
  • How to Help with Disrespectful Behavior: I give my perspective along with 11 great solutions for compassionate and proactive parents and teachers.
  • On Boys Podcast: Executive Function: Does he struggle with homework, procrastination, time management, or lack of motivation? Does he have ADHD? If so, he probably needs help developing his executive functioning.
  • Top 10 Executive Function Tips: I was recently asked “what was the #1 EF skill that helped me turn my life around?” GREAT question, because I failed out of college and always struggled in school, and felt hopeless! So HOW did I turn it around? Well, here I describe the top 10 EF skills that helped me, and I think you’ll love this video because you can apply it to your life.
  • What if Student’s Efforts DO NOT Pay Off, and Grades Still Drop?: Here I offer excellent insight for students, but parents and teachers, you’ll definitely want to see this one, because it WILL HELP YOU HELP STUDENTS. I give some practical insights and 9 solid tips that all have to do with one overarching idea, “overhauls.”
  • Chat with Neuroscientist Nicole Tetreault, PhD: Dr. Nicole Tetreault and I discuss some great ideas for how to help students finish this crazy school year, what to do this summer, and how to prep for this fall.
  • 10 Executive Function Tips for Teachers: Teachers, here are 10 of the most important tips I can think of to help you help your students who have executive function challenges.
  • Worst Spring Fever Ever: Tons of kids are now failing within the context of this, particularly crazy Spring Fever. They are, getting so “behind”, anxiety is rising, engagement is falling, too many hoops to jump through for some kids to “succeed”.
  • Will my kid FAIL this crazy school year?: I’m so sick of how our education systems fail to meet the needs of so many kids and stay stuck in outdated approaches. Here I TRY to do a bit of justice to some of these complicated topics so you can have a bigger picture and hopefully feel more empowered to better support your children or students.
  • The RIGHT Definition of Executive Function: Unfortunately, if you search for definitions of EF, it can be confusing! Different experts define it differently, AND they discuss the key skills completely differently! So what do you NEED to know to make sense of this? Well, this video has your answer!
  • Ideas to Help Your Child: If you’re raising a bright child with learning, social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges, this is for you.
  •  Boys: Executive Function & ADHD: Here’s a fantastic dive into helping Boys with Executive Function & ADHD challenges with Janet Allison and Jen Fink. Janet and Jen run the “ON BOYS Parenting Podcast”.
  • The Shame of ADHD & Executive Function: If we want to REALLLLLLY help kids who have ADHD or Executive Function challenges, we MUST understand the complexities of how shame impacts them. Here I detail this issue and give insights and solutions so you can better support the kids you are trying to help.

🎦 YouTube: Visit my official YouTube channel here. Subscribe, like & comment to support my work. 👉 Share: To support me, please *CLICK* at the bottom to share on FB or Pinterest. ✏️ EF101: Here’s my jumpstart course for parents and teachers. 💚 Give: Love my work and want to donate? 🙏 Thanks! — Seth